Example sentences of "in a [adj] manner and " in BNC.

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1 The Court of Appeal in Parker v. British Airways Board took the opportunity to restate the law in a comprehensive manner and bring order to an area in which there were numerous conflicting precedents .
2 There is no legal right to protect or demonstrate — merely a right for the present to say what one likes provided that it is lawful whether by way of ‘ protest ’ or otherwise ; or a right to pass to and fro along the highway in a reasonable manner and for a proper purpose , whether carrying a banner or not .
3 Such managers are typified by their ability to face unpleasant facts in a constructive manner and help their staff to grow and develop a similar constructive attitude .
4 Erm , there 's not a word that 's suitable to use actually in this case because we find that they would actually impact upon the service in a serious manner and therefore we do n't ,
5 I need to emphasize two points here : firstly , most textbooks represent a misleading view of reality in which women are neglected or treated in a cursory manner and this is their ideological function .
6 In practice most buyers are prepared to have their names used for publicity purposes provided that this is done in a controlled manner and with their prior consent .
7 Paisley has gone on record time after time to condemn the assassination of Catholics and has insisted that the potential violence represented by the old Protestant Volunteers and more recently by the Third Force should only be exercised in a defensive manner and in the event of a complete breakdown of law and order .
8 ‘ In such individuals , a person or a group of persons can be identified in a negative manner and become the target of the sum of the subject 's aggressive emotions . ’
9 They need to be greeted in a welcoming manner and would perhaps be helped by being offered a cup of tea and time to talk quietly together .
10 I can cope with things in a better manner and am able to take on far more .
11 The other four domes are supported in a like manner and short barrel vaults connect one dome to another .
12 ( 1 ) It shall be the task of the all-German legislator ( i ) to recodify in a uniform manner and as soon as possible the law on employment contracts and the provisions on working hours under public law , including the admissibility of work on Sundays and public holidays , and the specific industrial safety regulations for women ; ( ii ) to bring public law on industrial safety into line with present-day requirements in accordance with the law of the European Communities and the concurrent part of the industrial safety law of the GDR .
13 She stopped for a moment , and gazed at it with pleasure , and saw how huge it was , surging against the rocks with far more power and energy than it had in the shelter of the estuary , flinging plumes of spray about in a reckless manner and dragging back to gather itself for the next rush forward .
14 Zach slammed the door behind them in a disgruntled manner and turned the light on .
15 It enables passages of language to be read in a coherent manner and gives an indication of the rhythm and colour of the speech .
16 While I was speaking , Miss J. looked out of the window in a sarcastic manner and when I had finished she said ‘ thank you ’ very politely but with rather a sneering look .
17 1 Welcome the patient in a friendly manner and introduce yourself to him .
18 But I 'm going about my job in a business-like manner and I 'm on target .
19 The head , however , felt that in general the inspection had been conducted in a professional manner and claimed that he was willing to take constructive criticism in a constructive way .
20 The three bassets were already in residence , draped snoring on the fireside rug , but they seemed to be used to Debbie because two of them sniffed her in a bored manner and the third merely cocked a sleepy eye at her before flopping back on the rich pile .
21 He thumbed through the applications in a knowledgeable manner and made critical comments in imitation of his superiors .
22 The entablature and cornice are decorated in a restrained manner and originally the tympanum was ornamented with a bronze relief of Zeus striking down the Greeks .
23 However , the final summary should include some if not all of the following : the provision of information that is useful in terms of meeting the needs of users , presented in a timely manner and in a format that is appropriate and understandable .
24 In listing the objectives that shape the exhibition , Whitney museum curator Elizabeth Sussman said her team of curators searched for ‘ the best new work that speaks to us in a compelling manner and in some cases challenges conventional ideas about artmaking .
25 Find the torque which tends to align the rotor in the arrangement shown in Fig. 4.20 with 0 = 45° and 135° , ( i ) when the rotor carries no current , and ( ii ) when it carries a direct current of 2 A. The rotor inductance is 1 H and the stator inductance has maximum and minimum values 1 H and 0.2 H. Assume that periodic inductances vary in a sinusoidal manner and that the coils are perfectly coupled when they are in line .
26 The House of Lords approached the question in a commonsense manner and held the actions of both workmen were causes .
27 When a particularly difficult and obscure accident occurs , the aircraft manufacturer may suspect the possibility of the failure of a particular component , and acting in a responsible manner and with the highest possible motives may circulate to all operators of that type of aircraft a design for modifying the component just in case it was the one that failed .
28 The argument that if you 've been born a tortoise , it is difficult to become a hare because some official insists , is flawed , though the imposing of fines must be done in a responsible manner and not by self-appointed officials with heavy-handed habits .
29 The besieged driver revved up his engine in a threatening manner and berated his passengers .
30 Meanwhile , the night was nearly ruined for everybody when a horde of beery Welsh rugby fans descended on the venue and proceeded to expose their gargantuan bellies in a threatening manner and generally menace the anorexic pop people present .
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