Example sentences of "in [art] evening [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 In the evening when the booking and despatch department would start packing up to go , so would I and no one asked me not to .
2 So , in the evening when the body temperature is beginning to fall , there is a natural tendency to fall asleep and in the morning , when body temperature begins to rise rapidly , we are most likely to wake up .
3 Later in the evening when the place had quietened a little and the cyclists had eaten , I invited them to join me for a glass of wine .
4 Although the typical picture of the skinhead is boots and braces , the style changed in the evening when the skinhead went to dance halls and clubs .
5 Family and guests could be heard playing charades and blindman 's buff in the drawing room , and Mr Priddy snuffed out the candles , replacing them with new ones ready for tea at about ten in the evening when the table would again be laden with sweetmeats and delicacies .
6 If we were lucky , there were a few minutes in the evening when the wind dropped , the dust storm subsided , and we could brave the mosquitoes and wash the corrosive dust from our bodies .
7 She had never imagined the meeting in the evening when the garden was dark with shadows and the air cold with the coming of night .
8 These entries will be judged , in a lighthearted manner , later in the evening when the three experts speak about them .
9 Luckily , you do n't have to dance every night … you have plenty of opportunity to sit back and relax in the evenings when the entertainments team do their bit !
10 Of course , I would only do this in the evenings when the streets were at their quietest .
11 True , the black cows , apparently of no fixed abode , that used to saunter along the streets and back lanes , foraging and friendly , have gone , and Edmund MacKenzie has moved his shop to new premises , but otherwise Plockton today is as it has always been within my memory , and is best appreciated in the evenings when the day trippers have departed .
12 Then a woman in the street — the Via Monserato , between the Tiber and the Farnese Square , they talked about it so much , Mena and my grandmother , when I was little , I think they talked about it every day : Il Quartiere Papale , it does have a magnificent sound , has n't it ? and so much of it a slum ; the rich live above on the piani nobili , the ground floors and cellars are rented out to artisans ; my mother , who was brought up in those streets , says to know them you must have breathed the air in the evenings when the wine-shops are full and they are lighting charcoal braziers on the pavements ; she says I will go one day , but I think I know already — well , a woman in Mena 's street who sold salad greens knew the cook who worked for Anna and the prince round the corner and Mena was given things to do in the kitchen .
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