Example sentences of "in [noun sg] around the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There are several variants of the argument , differing at least in part around the degree of class reductionism and the amount of reflexivity allowed to the working class racist subject .
2 Now there are various exceptions to this : for example , some languages have demonstratives organized in part around the location of other participants than speakers .
3 Lord Sagramoso 's writ had run to the other barren planets of Karka 's Sun , and to those of its runtish red dwarf binary twin , Karka Secundus , including some small mining world in orbit around the twin .
4 The natural assumption was that the electrons were in orbit around the nucleus as the earth is in orbit around the sun .
5 For a body moving in orbit around the Sun the surface facing the direction of orbital motion will be struck by more ‘ bullets ’ than the trailing face , just like the front of you gets wetter than the back when you run through a storm of vertically descending rain .
6 Capture is made considerably easier if the Moon was captured in small pieces , because interactions between them , or between circum-Earth gases and such pieces would readily place some of them in orbit around the Earth .
7 In capture theories more possibilities open up : the Moon could have suffered its late heavy bombardment as it tumbled through space before capture ; it could have suffered it from debris already in orbit around the Earth or the large basins alone could have arisen from such debris ; or it could have been bombarded by material which entered the Earth-Moon system after the Earth had captured the Moon .
8 So the only place to put such a black hole , in which one might use the energy that it emitted , would be in orbit around the earth — and the only way that one could get it to orbit the earth would be to attract it there by towing a large mass in front of it , rather like a carrot in front of a donkey .
9 One modern example is a space capsule in orbit around the earth ; another is a capsule falling radially toward the Earth .
10 The natural assumption was that the electrons were in orbit around the nucleus as the earth is in orbit around the sun .
11 Western press reports noted a rise in banditry around the refugee camps on the Thai border , leading to an indefinite suspension of UN aid shipments from Thailand into Cambodia from Sept. 21 .
12 Today there are over 36 million cards in circulation around the world .
13 The four-fold sequence , and the four names derived from the names of Alpine rivers , continue to echo in research around the world although this interpretation has now been superseded .
14 It is not therefore always appropriate to allow one 's life to be dictated by the differing fiscal policies in force around the world .
15 This is a goat , who because her main duty is to keep the grass in check around the HQ has been named ‘ Flymo ’ .
16 We have agreed that we will follow the practice established last year and start work in earnest around the middle of February .
17 Signs detailing the changes were in place around the route this week and county and borough councillors plan a formal opening of the scheme on Monday morning when a special bollard is locked into place in Duke Street .
18 Among the cities most in danger around the world are : * Bangkok , which faces a sea level rise of six feet by 2010 ; * Shanghai , also threatened by a six feet rise , coupled with the danger that salt water would advance 40 miles up the Yangtze River , causing severe drinking water shortages ; * Hong Kong , where seas may engulf newly-reclaimed coastal land , and an increased frequency of typhoons , due to climate disruption , threaten the whole territory ; * Alexandria — the whole city " may disappear " unless major defence works are undertaken ; * Tokyo , which will need £40 billion of flood defences in order to protect new suburbs ; * Rio de Janeiro , whose tourist beaches and nearby coastal villages are in danger ; * London , where there is concern that the existing Thames flood barrier may prove insufficient .
19 Professor Stephen Hawking 's popular guide to cosmology has sold more than a million copies in hardback around the world .
20 Investors are so willing to believe in recovery around the corner that they will clutch at false hopes almost indefinitely .
21 The tunic was piped in branch-colour around the collar , deep cuffs , and down the front edge .
22 However , even with the tens of millions of personal computers and workstations in use around the world , networking and network usage still has n't taken off in a big way , the report says , because two things are needed : multi-tasking operating systems and the means to develop client-server applications .
23 However , even with the tens of millions of personal computers and workstations in use around the world , networking and network usage still has n't taken off in a big way , the report says , because two things are needed : multi-tasking operating systems and the means to develop client/server applications .
24 After the war both second-hand and new bridge panels found a ready civilian market and many Bailey bridges remained in use around the world .
25 After that a bird — the same one or another — fell through the chimney into the grate and then fluttered and banged in terror around the room .
26 There are a number of ACOL based schemes in operation around the country .
27 With over 200 PWRs already in operation around the world this was a proven design .
28 There are about 700 Boeing 747s in operation around the world , and rather fewer Douglas DCI0s and Lockheed Lloll Tri-Stars : the so-called jumbo jets , the wide-bodies , those given the suffix ‘ heavy ’ — as in ‘ Cathay Pacific 200-Heavy ’ — by the air traffic controllers .
29 Then Jilly cast off her chadour and sang , a plaintive rendering of ‘ The Winter of Seventy-Nine ’ , and suddenly , as happens on these occasions , the knockabout mood changed , people stopped laughing , tears stood in eyes , as Jilly 's harsh , grating flat voice lamented the year and deplored the future , as her white , beaky , angry face gazed fiercely at the audience , as the confined energy of months swelled up in self-pity around the room , orchestrated by Jilly 's incantation :
30 The girl 's pink and white candy stripe skirt ( 26 stitches × 15 rows ) was removed on to a length of yarn so that the top could be drawn up and stitched in position around the waist ; the sides and hem of the skirt were then stitched down and a pink bow was added .
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