Example sentences of "in [adj] elections [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In democratic elections held on June 10 and 17 , Bulgaria , alone among the countries of Eastern Europe , returned to power the former ruling party , the erstwhile Bulgarian Communist Party which had been renamed the Bulgarian Socialist Party ( BSP ) on April 3 [ see pp. 37380-81 ] .
2 Ranasinghe Premadasa , the Prime Minister and candidate of the ruling United National Party ( UNP ) , was elected President in national elections held on Dec. 19 , 1988 [ see pp. 36394-95 ] .
3 The IDA made substantial gains in indirect elections held on March 14 for 42 members of the National Senate ( upper house ) , chosen by the four provincial assemblies and the National Assembly .
4 He secured for his Jatiya Party a victory in parliamentary elections held in March 1988 [ see pp. 35835-36 ] ; however , the government was subsequently paralysed by renewed agitation launched in October 1990 [ see pp. 37775-76 ] with student activists at the forefront .
5 His party won the majority of seats in parliamentary elections held in March [ see p. 38801 ] .
6 Jasray , 60 , a free-market economist and former head of a union of private co-operatives , had been nominated on July 15 by the fourth plenum of the Mongolian People 's Democratic Party ( MPRP ) which won a landslide victory in parliamentary elections held in June [ see p. 38962 ] .
7 Other reports indicated that the proposed law had been prompted by fears that recent events in Algeria would encourage Islamist parties , who won one-third of the seats in parliamentary elections held in November 1989 [ see pp. 37052-53 ] , to mount an extra-parliamentary challenge .
8 In municipal elections held on May 26 , 1990 , the opposition right-wing IP , one of the government coalition parties for just over a year after the 1987 general election [ see pp. 35138 ; 36430 ] , made gains , especially in Reykjavík , where the IP mayor , Davíd Oddsson , was re-elected by 60.4 per cent of the vote .
9 In municipal elections held on Dec.1 , the ruling Patriotic Accord ( AP ) alliance of the left-wing Movement of the Revolutionary Left ( MIR ) and the right-wing Democratic Nationalist Alliance ( ADN ) won the largest percentage of the total vote but lost political control in three departments and some major cities .
10 In municipal elections held on June 28 , the first since the ending in March 1990 of 17 years of military rule , the ruling Coalition of Parties for Democracy ( CPD ) won 53.3 per cent of the vote , against 29.8 per cent for the combined right-wing opposition of the National Renewal ( RN ) and the Independent Democratic Union ( UDI ) .
11 The ruling Congress ( I ) party won control of 70 of the 95 municipal committees in municipal elections held in Punjab on Sept. 6 .
12 In municipal elections held in 55 communes and in provincial elections in La Spezia ( Liguria ) on Dec. 14-15 the federalist Northern League rose to become the largest party in northern Italy , and increased its support in central Italy , at the expense of the Christian Democratic and Socialist parties , whose support was halved in the north .
13 In primary elections held on Sept. 22 , Steven Solarz , a New York member of the House of Representatives and former leading member of the House foreign affairs committee , who was deeply involved in the House " rubbergate " scandal [ see p. 38807 ] , failed to secure his party 's nomination .
14 In legislative elections held at the same time the PLN won 29 of the 57 seats in the Legislative Assembly .
15 In legislative elections held on May 24 the Organization for Popular Democracy-Labour Movement ( ODP-MT ) led by President Blaise Compaore won an unexpected victory , taking at least 78 of the 107 seats in the National Assembly .
16 As the country proceeded towards the inauguration of the Third Republic on Jan. 2 , 1993 , the nominally left-of-centre Social Democratic Party ( SDP ) emerged as the stronger of the two legally permitted parties , winning a majority in both houses of the new National Assembly in legislative elections held on July 4 .
17 Instead , he announced the appointment of an ombudsman to mediate between the public and the civil service , promised that proposals for democracy would be considered soon , and said that the opposition would be permitted to run in legislative elections expected in April 1994 .
18 Aung San Suu Kyi , the most prominent opposition figure in Myanma , was on Jan. 16 banned from taking part in general elections scheduled for May 1990. ln late December 1989 U Nu , a former Prime Minister , had also been banned from standing in the elections [ see p. 37123 ] .
19 Regarded as a step in the process of transitional to civilian rule , which would culminate in presidential elections scheduled for 1992 , the local elections recorded only a low voter turnout , particularly in the south of the country .
20 In presidential elections held on Feb. 4 Rafael Angel Calderón Fournier , the candidate of the opposition Social Christian Unity Party ( PUSC ) was elected with 51.4 per cent of the vote .
21 In presidential elections held on April 8 , Mario Vargas Llosa , 54 , the internationally acclaimed novelist and candidate of the Democratic Front ( FREDEMO ) , won 27.61 per cent of the vote but failed to gain the necessary overall majority .
22 In presidential elections held on Nov. 8 , 1988 [ see pp. 36337-42 ] , the Republican candidate and incumbent Vice-President , George Herbert Walker Bush , defeated his Democratic rival ; he duly took office as President on Jan. 20 , 1989 [ see p. 36391 ] .
23 In presidential elections held on Nov. 8 , 1988 , the Republican Party candidate and then Vice-President , George Bush , defeated his Democratic Party rival Mike Dukakis ; he duly took office as President on Jan. 20 , 1989 .
24 Pascal Lissouba , leader of the Pan-African Union for Social Democracy ( UPADS ) , was victorious in presidential elections held in August , UPADS having emerged as the largest party , but without a clear majority in either chamber , in the legislative elections in June and July .
25 The Conservative Party made net gains of 308 seats in local elections held on May 7 for over 3,800 seats on 207 local district councils in England , Scotland and Wales , only one month after the general election in which it was returned to power for a fourth term [ see pp. 38868-69 ] .
26 In local elections held on June 7-8 in 341 municipalities throughout the country the two partners in the ruling coalition , the True Path Party ( DYP ) and the Social Democratic Populist Party ( SHP ) , won 35 and 23 per cent of the vote respectively ( their combined total having been only 47 per cent in the October 1992 general election ) .
27 The Rassemblement national des indépendants party won 18.05 per cent of votes and 21.69 per cent of the 22,282 seats in local elections held throughout the country on Oct. 16 .
28 In local elections held in Lower Saxony on Oct. 6 the Christian Democratic Union ( CDU ) share of the vote dropped from 46 per cent to 43.1 per cent while the SPD , which continued to control the Land government in conjunction with the Greens [ see pp. 37676 ] , won 40.2 per cent of the vote ( down from 40.5 per cent in 1986 ) .
29 In local elections held in May and June , the ruling Nepali Congress Party won 77 per cent of seats in 56 of the 75 Nepali council districts , according to Agence France-Presse news agency reports on June 28 .
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