Example sentences of "a letter to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Last week Sugar sent a letter to every member of Tottenham 's staff confirming his intention of remaining in control of the club .
2 Then he sat down and typed a letter to every agony aunt he had ever heard of .
3 Recently I wrote a letter to every car manufacturer throughout the world , offering advice on improving car seats .
4 In a letter to a member of the group on crime who had expressed an interest in foreign affairs , Heath replied :
5 In two separate incidents this year , sent a letter to a member asking for membership and was very embarrassed to learn that the member had paid her teacher some long time earlier .
6 In 1816 Mrs Hawkes , a pious lady who had herself been a convert of Richard Cecil 's , was called to the death-bed of a Mr Vaughan , whose last hours she described in a letter to a friend :
7 For example , a letter to a friend may be informal ; a telephone conversation is not face-to-face ; interactive written communication is possible via computer terminals ; a speech may be a carefully edited and rehearsed monologue ; etc .
8 We shall be considering The Prelude as a poem at the appropriate point in the Critical Survey ; for the moment I propose to refer to it simply as evidence of Wordsworth 's internal struggles and preoccupations , as if it were a diary or a letter to a friend which just happens to be in verse .
9 A young barrister , Edward Lenton , in a letter to a friend left a vivid account of such a visit to this ‘ reputed nunnery ’ .
10 Choose one of the following topics ( … ) and write a letter to a friend or close relative .
11 The notion that the writing is meant to explain her work to others is supported by her use if the ‘ revolutionary ’ -to-evolutionary ’ tag which she first used in a letter to a friend ( in 1919 ) and then , quoting herself , she reemploys the phrase in her diary ( in 1920 , and again , in 1921 ) .
12 The subjects of Nietzsche 's two public lectures were already chosen by the time of his letter to Ritschl , as we can see from a letter to a friend in late September .
13 At one end the professional scriveners sat at their desks , quills and parchment at the ready , to draw up wills , indentures , bills of sale , a letter to a friend or a billet doux to a lover .
14 Here 's Darwin saying in a letter to a friend Heaven forfend me from Lamarck nonsense of a tendency to progression and indeed , Darwin 's view was the contrary to this , and here 's another quote from Darwin , after long reflection , I can not avoid the conviction that no innate tendency to development exists .
15 If the confrontation between Nazareth and Rome looks like it 's becoming unproductive , the teacher can come out of role and ask the children to reflect on what has been happening — perhaps through discussion , perhaps through a short piece of writing ( a diary entry , a letter to a friend , a sketch representing how the townspeople feel about the power relationship , or — shifting the perspective — the report that the Roman has to make to his commanding officer ) .
16 Examples : Consider the following : a painting of a giant a sailor 's personal log a letter to a friend left behind after a move .
17 ‘ These institutions instil and cultivate in their cadets what were once commonly referred to as the virtues of southern manhood — honour , chivalry and devotion to God , state and family , ’ wrote one alumnus in a letter to a newspaper .
18 In a letter to a newspaper one man commented that he was taking his six-year-old daughter to her school sports day when she asked , ‘ Daddy , can I have some of the drugs that Ben Johnson took to make me run fast ? ’
19 In a letter to a newspaper , their solicitor Tim Robinson says that his clients should never have been prosecuted at all .
20 In a letter to a newspaper earlier this week , Mr Birt adopted the tone of one who was chastened but also slightly puzzled by the uproar over the revelation that the BBC 's top executive was not a member of its staff .
21 Write a letter to a hotel ( make up a suitable name or choose one that advertises in your local paper ) enquiring about a holiday for two adults and two children .
22 ‘ She sent a letter to a Frenchwoman in June .
23 Then other members of the panel , the Western Regional Coordinating Committee on Predator Control ( WRCC-26 ) , sent a letter to a rancher ‘ apologising ’ for comments Black allegedly made at the committee 's annual meeting in Waco , Texas .
24 the correct way to address a letter to a Bishop
25 Then , in a letter to the company 's London headquarters , he said that unless he was paid , items would be injected by a qualified chemist , causing ‘ pain , suffering and possibly death ’ to customers .
26 The British Mountaineering Council , in a letter to the prince from Access and Conservation Officer Bill Wright , state that ‘ We are most concerned about the effect the restrictions [ on live firing ] , or rather the lack of them , will have on the area of Willsworthy — this is an area of considerable interest to hill walkers from the South of England . ’
27 The board outlined its views in a letter to the Secretary of State for Education and Science .
28 At the same meeting at which the Vial memorandum was read , on 6 September 1791 , a letter to the secretary from Messrs Kirkman and Hendy ( who were present ) was produced : ‘ Sir , In consequence of your Advertisement we beg leave to inform you , that we have contracted with Lord Camden for about 100 acres of building land , near [ Old ] St Pancras Church , abutting on the Turnpike Road leading to Kentish Town , which is intended to be called Camden Town conceiving the situation eligible for your truly valuable Institution we request you will lay this our proposal before the Society — We hold this Land under his Lordship for 99 years from Michaelmas last , the three first subject to no Ground Rent , our proposal is , that Lord Camden does and he will under our direction grant the Society a lease for 99 years from that time , the three first subject to no rent but for the remainder of the term an Annual Rent of thirty pounds per acre , should this proposal meet with approbation , the Society have only to direct their Surveyor to make out any quantity of land and in what position they conceive will best answer their purpose ’ .
29 In a letter to the Secretary of State , I outlined my deep concern over the case and over the way in which the allegation by Mrs. X had been investigated .
30 This part of Leapor 's life is described in a letter to The Gentleman 's Magazine in 1784 .
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