Example sentences of "a roof [prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But Holly and eight hundred with him had a roof over their Kitchen , and there would be a roof over Hut 2 when the freezing night came .
2 Many of the homeless on London 's streets would be glad of warm clothes and a roof over their head .
3 Most homeless people are not ‘ social problems ’ in any other respect than that they need a roof over their head .
4 Since nineteen eighty two when they took away the related earnings from the unemployment benefit they have introduced a further nine retrograde steps to the plight of the unemployed and now the proposals as has already been pointed out they now have a look , because there 's a fifty billion pound shortfall at how they can best tackle the sick and make them pay , as well as people who are struggling to keep a roof over their head .
5 It should be housing designed to meet a social need , directed towards those with no other means , no other option of getting a roof over their head .
6 Bearing in mind that you 're rich enough to live in Surrey , and some people ca n't even afford a roof over their head do n't you think you have a moral obligation towards these people ?
7 Well in one they 've got a roof over their head and in the other they have n't , I would 've thought that was a rather major difference .
8 She had no prospect of a job and , without even a roof over her head , she was an automatic candidate for cardboard city — the community of derelicts who survive on the capital 's streets , in danger of sinking into a subculture of drugs and crime .
9 ‘ She 'll have a roof over her head as long as I 'm above ground , ’ he responded aggressively .
10 Vi had a roof over her head again , bed and board and two shillings a day pay , and , better than that , she had found someone to mother .
11 ‘ I mean , we took her in when she came back from London with her tail between her legs , and we fed her and gave her a roof over her head , but she was forever dolling herself up and going out .
12 Rain guessed what had caused such changes : the realization that her talent did not stretch very far ; the passing of a way of life which had been so thrilling ; impending old age with few friends , little money and no certainty of a roof over her head .
13 Now Anne Henderson is going to court to try to keep a roof over her head .
14 Whereas if you and I did n't have a roof over our head
15 " He did n't even have a roof over his head . "
16 The contrast between his treatment of Morpurgo — the occasional condescending coin — and Dysart 's — a roof over his head and some honest employment — was obviously lost on him .
17 What was comfort only a roof over your head , a full belly , a fire , books to read and nothing on your mind ?
18 ‘ I thought what we were worrying about was a roof over your head , ’ I said , feeling that Aunt Louise needed bringing down to earth .
19 You said all you wanted was a roof over your head . ’
20 Finding a roof over your head has become a real problem for many more thousands of young people seeking a home of their own .
21 A Roof Over Your Head
22 Oh , I do n't matter — I 'm nothing , nobody , just the bloody fool who keeps a roof over your head — but I 'd have thought you 'd have the decency not to drag Tom into it … . ’
23 To stress the importance of a roof over your head .
25 It 's impossible to start studying seriously until you 've found a roof over your head that suits your needs and allows a clear head for studying .
26 ‘ If it were n't for me giving you a roof over your head after your mother had the gall to die on me , you would have ended up in the bloody workhouse !
27 We feed you , keep you warm and give you a roof over your head .
28 ’ , ‘ Comfortable woman needed , good with children … ’ , when the thought came to me that , with a roof over my head and just about enough money to live on , there was no real need for me to work at all .
29 Thanks to her I still had a roof over my head , but this economic patronage subtly altered relations between us in a way that did nothing to improve my self-respect .
30 The Lord is my Warden ; I shall have a roof over my head .
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