Example sentences of "a brief [noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He joined the mini-section of the Panmure Club in Dundee as an 8-year-old , is one of only two players to have represented Scottish Schools over three seasons , he played for Scotland Under-19 , led Scottish Schools over three seasons , played for Scotland Under-19 , had a brief spell with Heriot 's FP before sharing in the National League successes of Dundee HS FP .
2 After a brief spell with BRM he started manufacturing his own Formula One car but with little success .
3 In past meetings between these sides , the top British goalscorer in 1991 and ‘ 92 , Scott Gough , has grabbed more of the attention , but since flopping in a brief spell at Chelmsford , his form has slipped considerably .
4 After a brief spell in Senegal , from where he was deported , he spent the majority of his years in exile in The Gambia .
5 She was running a milliner 's shop in the Market Place as early as 1822 , thence to King Street , along from the Three Swans Inn and the infant school , followed by a brief spell in Cheap Street , where she was paying a rate of 9d. and an additional amount for ‘ Stocks ’ by virtue of her fleeting partnership with someone called Grant .
6 In fact , as soon as Domingos told James , James renewed his long-standing contact with Teddy Mayer , had a brief conversation with Hogan and that was it .
7 Chatterton , Fagg , Fishbane and Glastonbury were huddled together in the Smoking Room , from which each of them had been extracted for a brief conversation with Milton .
8 Theron 's son Thrasydaios , who ruled Himera as his father 's ‘ proclinsul ’ , and the disgruntled Polyzalus , formed a brief alliance against Hiero .
9 In the middle of July she left Paris for a brief trip to England .
10 Chen exchanged a brief look with Wang Ti as she set the bowls down on the table , then nodded .
11 First , let us take a brief look at Frege 's theory of concepts .
12 It is worth taking a brief look at McLuhan himself ( 1962 ; 1964 ; 1967 ) , partly because his ideas have been adopted explicitly by some writers on popular music but also because in the period of his greatest fame ( the mid- and late 1960s ) some of these ideas sediment Ed themselves into the common assumptions of quite widely , if usually implicitly , held views on culture and technology .
13 We had planned this after a brief look into Llanberis a few weeks previously .
14 Here 's a brief bit of PostScript code that describes the outer line of a twin-line box ; the % characters allows non-printing comments to be added to the code .
15 As late as February 1949 there was a brief panic in London when a US Senate debate suggested that the all-important article 5 ( which defined the obligations of members in the event of an act of aggression against one of their number ) might be diluted .
16 Luke allowed himself a small smile then gave a brief nod in Merrill 's direction .
17 YANKS FOR THE MEMORY:Ray Mathias ( above ) and the rest of the Rovers coaching staff did n't think Agoos would make the grade , but the 22-year-old full-back made a brief mark at Prenton ( above right )
18 He had a brief memory of McAllister 's bright face , earlier that day , and the thought of enjoying himself with one of Madame Rachel 's girls did not attract .
19 His own name had been inspired by a brief interlude at Preston station in Lancashire where his parents had changed trains one Sunday afternoon on their way to Blackpool for their honeymoon .
20 Although she came from a financially privileged background , her education was superficial , governesses being followed by day-schools , a brief interlude at King 's College , London , where she possibly read Latin , continental history , mathematics , and elementary science for two terms , and a year in Dresden .
21 Then explore Graigueconna , make a brief tour of Bushey Park House and gardens and hasten on to watch the sun beyond the grandiose setting of Powerscourt .
22 NO SNOW fell during the night and at 10.00 , after Erika had run her five kilometres under a dazzling blue sky , Karl ran and said that he thought he rather did that a brief tour of Berlin would be possible and that he would be waiting in the lounge of the Palast at 11.00 ; adding that Paul should meet them at the television Tower at 1.00
23 It was proposed that the shop stewards work on a brief response to Michael Taylor 's memo and present to SMT members before the meeting where decision would be taken .
24 And that is why a brief prayer to St Zeno never goes amiss , when you go fishing with a hook .
25 Apart from that , and a brief exchange with Boswell on one of the Macleod family , it was now clear that Johnson found little stimulation on Raasay : ‘ There was not enough of intellectual entertainment for him , after he had satisfied his curiosity , which he did , by asking questions , till he had exhausted the island ’ : does Boswell mean the topic of Raasay or its people ?
26 Except for a brief success for Wilson in London and Southampton , cooks and stewards seem to have been stimulated by his recruiting drive to set up their own organisation rather than to join the NSFU .
27 Gratitude for the invitation to pay a brief tribute to Jim Byam Shaw on his retirement from active participation in the affairs of his famous firm must be tempered for an old friend by reflection on the difficulties that any such tribute involves .
28 However , after a brief respite at Ossett everyone agreed to continue .
29 The Cymru Coaster No. 46203 arrives for a brief stop at Bangor on the down run on August 23 .
30 Later that evening , after a brief stop at Lødingen , the Arctic light was once again tantalising .
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