Example sentences of "a strong [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Like other simple sugars , glucose is soluble in water ( which is why it is easily digestible ) because it has five hydroxyl groups ( see Appendix 1 ) which have a strong attraction for water molecules , and also because the glucose molecules are physically small enough to shuffle around fairly freely in a liquid , provided there are not too many of them .
2 For example , all the work on Mediterranean societies notes a strong preference for marriage between cousins who are the children of two brothers , which contrasts sharply with traditional marriage customs in Britain ( and elsewhere in northern Europe ) , where the marriage between close kin has been prohibited , although the range of kin to whom these prohibitions apply has been whittled down in the past century ( Wolfram , 1987 ) .
3 The Lords entered the fray in December with a strong preference for PR as a means of keeping both the Labour party and the Commons in check , so that in January 1918 there were disputes between the two houses as well as between and within the parties .
4 HLA-B35 also showed a strong preference for proline at position 2 of bound peptides ( Table 1 ) , probably because of its sequence identity to HLA-B53 in the region of the B pocket of the molecule .
5 A residence with sitting tenants will sell at a discount to its open market value , so there is a strong disincentive for landlords to relet any accommodation which becomes vacant .
6 And because this is a strong push for influence , it does n't work with people who are keenly aware of their position above you in a hierarchy , and who need to feel very much that they 're the boss .
7 The Cinematograph Act of 1927 put producers in a strong position for negotiations with financiers .
8 Yes , he was fascinated by Suedehead and its lurid tale of violence against blacks and homosexuals , but do n't forget that as a kid he had a strong affection for gore and horror in general .
9 A school that is taking marketing seriously will look to appoint ‘ people persons ’ , individuals that are not necessarily charismatic but who show a strong concern for others .
10 Escape can be a strong motivation for travel , but according to the great traveller Freya Stark , ‘ The true wanderer , whose travels are happiness , goes out not to shun , but to seek . ’
11 Beyond the Seventies pastiche which swamped last season 's collections , there is a strong appetite for simplicity and something which perhaps evokes an emphasis on inner beauty .
12 Problems in prescribing at the interface present a strong case for commissioning agencies that would consider drug purchasing across both care sectors .
13 There is , therefore , a strong case for funding of melanoma surveillance programmes or clinics aimed at facilitating early diagnosis for individuals with atypical naevi , especially given that , despite intensive research , there have been few advances in the management of melanoma that has spread beyond the primary site .
14 Moreover , the fact that characters may be successfully interpreted by means of these linguistic approaches presents a strong case for characterisation once again being regarded as a legitimate object of the critic 's attention .
15 There must be a strong case for action to prevent that sort of suffering in any animal , let alone the potential risk to human health . ’
16 The stunt took eighteen months to set up , and was only for those with a strong head for heights .
17 Francis Tidbury : Guilty of both the murders of Inspector Drewitt and PC Shorter , but with a strong plea for leniency because of his youth .
18 Disappointingly though , in her efforts to be balanced Valentine rarely lets us see just where she stands ; though she does make a strong plea for psychologists not to ape either physics or sociology .
19 Nouvel admits to a strong admiration for Foster 's work — which is returned — but , explains Nouvel , ‘ I use technology not for performance , but for sensitivity , for emotional effect . ’
20 Malek , 54 , who had held several senior government and Republican Party posts and was noted for his managerial skills , had been considered a strong candidate for White House Chief of Staff at the time of Sununu 's appointment .
21 A case founded on a confession must always be a strong candidate for reinvestigation .
22 Factors which correlate positively with a strong search for power are :
23 He is into his fifth Cabinet job and is a strong contender for promotion if the Prime Minister finally removes Norman Lamont from 11 Downing Street .
24 Unlike many other goals , it is difficult to satisfy a strong desire for power .
25 The clinic has acted as a strong focus for slum living mothers to campaign for improved conditions in their surroundings .
26 Those people who show a strong respect for authority and who expect negative criticism often dread making presentations to their superiors ( see Chapter Four for more on authority and criticism ) .
27 His programme had combined calls for radical political reform with a strong appeal for Russia 's sovereign rights , including ownership of all the republic 's natural resources , an independent foreign policy , and the primacy of republican legislation over that of the USSR as a whole .
28 Yeltsin 's political programme combined calls for radical economic reform with a strong appeal for Russia 's sovereign rights .
29 Mr Kinnock indicated yesterday that , even if Labour became the majority government , he would make a strong appeal for consensus inside and outside Parliament and move away from the ‘ confrontational ’ politics of the past 13 years .
30 It is this wanting to get out of one 's mind that creates such a strong demand for drugs in prisons .
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