Example sentences of "a single [noun] [noun] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 ( ii ) To have for each employee a single computer record containing all personnel and payroll details held on a central database .
2 The receptor consists of a single transmembrane protein containing a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase which is separated into two ( boxes ) .
3 A single storey building housing the C.D.T. Department was redesigned to facilitate the need for additional classrooms , by means of demolition and construction of new subdivision walls to create the necessary spaces .
4 It 's a single skin tent weighing under 3lbs .
5 He touched the American 's elbow and moved off in the direction of a single Ming vase standing on a pedestal nearby .
6 Gavin is dead ; Camusfearna was demolished after he left , a single memorial stone marking the site ; the otters come no more .
7 Nimbus claims manufacturers can assemble a complete workstation on a single circuit board using the NIM6000M at a fraction of the cost of a Sparcstation 2 .
8 It is a single guarantee company owning all the locomotives and stock .
9 Offering Encina as a single OLTP environment offering on the RS/6000 would 've been better , argues Data Logic , as 90% of Encina is in the CICS/6000 product in any case — CICS/6000 sits on top of the Encina toolkits — and only the monitor that is different .
10 The upgraded version sports a single control window allowing users to view all active queries and a graphical user interface for management operations .
11 A detailed interference condition is communicated to the user by sending a single control command identifying the detected part .
12 Beyond is a set of stairs leading upwards , of rich , dark wood , with panelled wooden walls and a single bannister rail running up the right hand side .
13 The doors to the great white stone building that led to the palatial rotunda were open , the lobby empty except for a single security guard sitting and reading behind the circular information desk .
14 Both the RSC and the environment committee also felt that the formation of a single environment agency covering Scotland as well as England and Wales deserved serious consideration .
15 It concerns the development of a simulation model of a railway level crossing which , in the simplified version presented here , assumes a single railway line crossing a road on which traffic moves in one direction only .
16 This gave us two kinds of ‘ correct ’ lattice : ( i ) a single path lattice containing only the words intended by the speaker and ( ii ) a lattice containing all the homophones and homophonic phrases that were valid under the fine-class description .
17 a single passenger service costing that amount of money , absolutely not .
18 In the foreseeable future we are unlikely to achieve an average class size of 18 , or a stable class group over the primary/secondary range , or a single class teacher linking both primary and secondary phases , or a more relaxed attitude towards assessment .
19 At this point microscopical examination showed a single cell suspension consisting of epithelial cells and a small number of mononuclear and red blood cells .
20 We paddled under a single track embankment linking North Uist with Benbecula , exchanging waves with the friendly local driving overhead .
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