Example sentences of "a kind of [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 There is a kind of fatalism in the atmosphere of this place which the officials he meets all seem to share .
2 Of the pole there is no sign , but it was originally so constructed as to act as a kind of lever in order to minimise jolting on rough surfaces .
3 But a residual effect of the ‘ privatizing ’ of sexuality , and in particular of the construction of sexual deviance as an identity , a pathology of being , rather than a kind of behaviour in principle open to all , is that the challenge to this construction often itself remains imprisoned by the public/private dichotomy .
4 Its revolutionariness is , however , only incidentally political : in that it evolved outside the universities in marginal academic institutions , and in that its development during the 1960s reached a kind of peak in the years 1967 — 8 , thus coinciding with the événements of 1968 .
5 I think that people live in such a world of fantasy around what they think is going on and kidding themselves that they have some ‘ control ’ , that a kind of chink in the armour like that is terrifying .
6 She felt an affection for Alison , even a kind of relief in the ridiculous conversation .
7 This they would rather not have settled , and yet there was a kind of relief in it .
8 And yet , looking at himself now , he could n't help taking a kind of pride in his appearance .
9 For instance Bantu Education which the government encourages , is an effort to re-tribalize us ; to introduce an inferior kind of education which uses a lot of the African dialects , ostensibly to create a kind of pride in our culture , our languages .
10 On these occasions the eye discerns a kind of visibility in ‘ an area of darkness ’ : this , in fact , is the title of the book which records Naipaul 's ‘ experience of India ’ .
11 So the dream becomes a symbolic expression of this conflict and what very often happens is the there 's a kind of compromise in which you go off and look for the bathroom or the drink of water or whatever it is you want , but the dream keeps postponing you finding it , in order to lengthen the dream and the state of sleep , so you go on sleeping for a bit longer .
12 At the foot of it there was a kind of dent in the stonework where she could crouch in behind the cloth , almost hidden .
13 In the subsequent scramble for survival and enrichment which mounted towards the end of 1922 , it was not surprising that those who were slightly better off often took a kind of revenge in driving hard bargains with their poorer neighbours , as has been noted earlier .
14 Annie had an uneasy sense of premonition , a kind of dread in her stomach at the prospect of this evening 's meeting .
15 There has been a kind of stalemate in the class struggle which has placed governments in the position of tackling deep-rooted problems with technocratic instruments of strictly limited effectiveness : they have held the line on the balance of payments by means of periodic deflation , which has not really solved anything ; they have periodically checked inflation and attempted to rebuild industrial profitability by means of ad hoc incomes policy but have been unable either to maintain popular support for such policies or to push forward to a comprehensive planning of prices and incomes , investment and consumption .
16 And the appearance and the style and the treatment of , the kind of materials which come out of history publishers really represents a kind of revolution in the subject , this subject , in the course of the last twenty-five years .
17 The subject working parties have proved more independent of mind and judgement than critics had expected : less like Rosencrantz and Guildenstern ( ‘ You were sent for : and there is a kind of confession in your looks which your modesties have not craft enough to colour ’ ) ; more , perhaps , like Polonius , given to worthy but occasionally tedious advice .
18 It is possible now to design computing systems which have much better languages than the ones that are readily available , and much more helpful programs on them , which enable the user to have a kind of dialogue in the way that you would with a person that you 're trying to communicate with , whereas , at the moment , you ca n't have that sort of dialogue .
19 And there seemed to me a safety , a kind of warmth in such numbers .
20 Instead of teleology , however , Epicurus advocated the existence of chance and free will , partly because , like Aristotle , he argued that you can not blame or punish a man for something he can not help doing , but also because he believed that there is a kind of spontaneity in men ( and possibly in animals ) that is manifested in our apparent freedom , to originate actions .
21 It made her head ache and there had been a kind of knot in her stomach ever since her nephew had made his absurd announcement .
22 There was a kind of bias in Christianity in favour of the loose-liver who was converted .
23 A kind of liberty in a way , I suppose .
24 As Robert watched , Aziz raised his mop and started a kind of semaphore in the direction of the Windmill .
25 First it guarantees a kind of harmony in the market economy .
26 As Jane Feuer points out , camp involves a kind of sensibility in which ‘ blank mimicry and a critical edge may coexist ’ , and thereby resembles that form of postmodern parody which Linda Hutcheon defines as a ‘ repetition with critical distance that allows ironic signalling of difference at the very heart of similarity ’ .
27 They passed along the side of one wall , and at the end were faced with a kind of crossroads in the staging , the mist swirling whitely across it .
28 There were , of course , short periods of brisk demand when clothiers had to pay higher rates , as in 1760 , when one Wiltshire clothier noted in his diary : " we have this year a very great trade , which has thrown the country into a strange hurry , even into a kind of madness in trade .
29 There is a kind of contradiction in classical structuralist writing which attributes to literature a non-referential self-sufficiency supposed to incarnate language 's very being , and yet which continues itself to employ a language whose referential scientificity ignores the very qualities that it speaks of .
30 Bathsheba saw a kind of rainbow in the air , and gasped .
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