Example sentences of "a lot of time on " in BNC.

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1 Unless you have a fair experience of building handicrafts and a lot of time on your hands , you will probably need to hire a builder , and you should take as much care over this as possible since the quality of building work varies very substantially indeed , and two different firms of builders , next to each other in the ‘ Yellow Pages ’ may reflect totally different standards and attitudes .
2 ‘ He spends a lot of time on his own , ’ Emily said in a brisk tone .
3 For a start , I spent a lot of time on my own , or with London friends .
4 They did n't have a lot of time on it and it was effectively an engineer/producer , rather than a producer .
5 That 's a lot of time on the flat stages , not so much on the fierce and extended mountain climbs that are to come .
6 Uncle Joe used to advise local farmers on sheep-breeding and had spent a lot of time on Tina 's family farm .
7 I 've spent a lot of time on this . ’
8 This makes the statement easier for your customer to understand and reconcile and will help you be paid faster , as well as saving a lot of time on queries .
9 He has a lot of time on his hands .
10 I spend a lot of time on the bathroom scales — too much time — I really should throw them away !
11 Although they feel ‘ cut off ’ from the mainstream of the knitting world , the knitters are very imaginative and prepared to spend a lot of time on one garment — and it shows !
12 She spent a lot of time on the beach before she became ill .
13 It 's quite possible for the adventurers to waste a lot of time on trivia before — and maybe even instead of — finding the object of their quest .
14 As a result , they had a lot of time on their hands .
15 When you 're doing that you can actually spend a lot of time on pictures .
16 You spend a lot of time on your arse .
17 You do spend a lot of time on the radio telephone .
18 ‘ When we were first married , I knew you would have to spend quite a lot of time on your own , when I was tied up with business affairs .
19 She spent a lot of time on her hair , making quite sure it was fixed on top of her head with not one softening wisp showing , and apart from a little eyeshadow and a small amount of pale lip-gloss she dispensed with the make-up .
20 ‘ I 've spent a lot of time on the Heath lately , ’ Bill says .
21 Now in those cases we ca n't use the normal Chow tests we 've got more parameters to estimate than we have observations , right , as a result Chow developed a second test , right , from structural change where we do n't need er erm to estimate essentially the regression in the sub sample which has got very few obser observations but in that Chow , that Chow second test is often called a test of predicted failure , right , Microfit will calculate both of those tests and bear in mind I mean that we 're spending a lot of time on er parameter constancy , we must bear in mind that parameter constancy is vitally important if we are going to make these inferences possible be about policy making on the basis of our estimates .
22 This is difficult stuff I 'm not gon na spend a lot of time on this because it 's covered on various other courses as well .
23 I 've spent a lot of time on this job — or rather wasted a lot of time — it meant a great deal to me . "
24 I 'll be sixty five in two months time Art , it 's time for a move , they 'll be a lot of time on my hands .
25 ‘ I remember you once told me how you spent a lot of time on the Algarve when you were young , ’ Vitor said , ‘ but I had no idea which area you came to . ’
26 The children had obviously spent a lot of time on them . ’
27 Me , I 'd take half a dozen ski trips a year , spend a lot of time on the beach , have a lot of fun in pubs and clubs ( and , by the by , give Middlesbrough FC enough money to win the Football League and FA Cup ) .
28 He comes out , and he , he went down there , and looked out , because we 'd spent a lot of time on it , getting it right , and we were well chuffed about it .
29 Well yes I had to spend quite a lot of time on the line to her because er her husband 's been quite ill with bladder trouble .
30 Because until G C S E you are fed , the school is fed , in that you are told fairly quickly what you have to do and although I know that a number of you spends the right amount of time or a lot of time on homework , you are told usually , er you have erm a night or two nights in which to do this particular piece of work now once you get into the sixth form
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