Example sentences of "a [adv] over [art] top " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps he does go a little over the top with the rubato in the slow movement of K332 , but no-one could really object to such sincere intentions when they are delivered with such conviction and zest .
2 The Quad X has six separate effects loops , which at first glance may seem a little over the top , but in reality is not such a bad idea .
3 One reviewer , John Naughton in The Observer , went a little over the top when he remarked : ‘ How does Mr Gooch know all this ?
4 A few hours later he was at a mega Hollywood party , the Welsh wonder from Stratford-upon-Avon , declaiming Shakespeare , drinking soundly , reciting Dylan Thomas , singing , story-telling , perhaps a little over the top , one or two thought , but to the majority a marvellous new whirlwind of talent and animal energy .
5 In the Eighties , his particular brand of show-off chic seemed a little over the top when compared to the cool abstractions of the Japanese or the haute-bourgeoise looks coming out of Paris .
6 Although the literary effusions of Hurtley and Wordsworth and the exaggerated landscapes of James Ward and J. M.W. Turner seem a little over the top to us dwellers in the twentieth century ( who , since the advent of the camera and the picture postcard , like our landscape more real and our prose less flowery ) , the scar nevertheless overhangs and dominates the scene as an example of the incredible forces at work when the landscape we now see was formed .
7 Then , realising that for a supposedly experienced sailor her enthusiasm was a little over the top , she added quickly and with complete honesty , ‘ I 've never sailed a boat like Seawitch before .
8 Erm should the erm that , given that er , sorry , that the er , er O P C S in fact erm er after every census makes er guesses about its accuracy erm would erm the spokesman , is the spokesman aware that in fact O P C S has said that a fair erm representation of the intercensal increase in population in Leicestershire er between nineteen eighty one and nineteen ninety one is in fact fifteen thousand people and does n't he feel that to provide for fifty three thousand in the structure plan is a little over the top ?
9 That might sound a little over the top , but the truth is that Quakers were streets ahead of Shrewsbury , and could well have surpassed the four goals which Hartlepool scored on their visit to Gay Meadow .
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