Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] aimed at " in BNC.

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1 Draft proposals for a European directive aimed at reducing packaging waste , cutting landfill and increasing reuse and recycling are being considered .
2 At the same time the government announced a package of new measures under which ( i ) the minimum wage was increased by 18 per cent from Nov. 18 ; ( ii ) a 40 per cent cut in income tax for those earning up to four times the minimum wage was to take effect in 1991 ; ( iii ) petrol prices were increased by 20 per cent and diesel oil , liquid gas and electricity prices by 30 per cent ; ( iv ) the peso 's rate of progressive devaluation against the US dollar was halved from 80 centavos to an " average " of 40 centavos a day , a depreciation rate of 5 per cent per year , as part of a anti-inflationary move aimed at fixing a future parity for the two currencies and stemming the flight of capital abroad .
3 A short-term goal aimed at improving her relationship with him was set and she was encouraged to talk to him regularly and to discuss his father 's condition .
4 May 8-9 Bessmertnykh visits Syria for talks with Assad at the start of a regional tour aimed at promoting Middle East peace efforts .
5 Afterwards , Khan told a press conference that Pakistan had also proposed a regional solution aimed at curbing nuclear proliferation , but that India had preferred a global approach .
6 ‘ However , with the help of considerable capital funding from the ITI , and through a joint venture approach with Sutton Borough Council , who provided capital , land and an annual subsidy , the original concept has been developed into a working model aimed at serving as an example for other local authorities to consider . ’
7 The establishment of the NIRC was a political act aimed at trying to contain trade union power within particular rules prescribed by the Industrial Relations Act 1971 .
8 Almost certainly this was a political decision aimed at maintaining good relations with the farming industry and unions rather than the result of a careful agricultural assessment .
9 The municipal authorities in Genoa have used Columbus year to launch a controversial programme aimed at restoring the city 's fortunes and its image .
10 Yoghurt Muesli is a unique product with a crisp bite aimed at the many consumers who eat yoghurt with muesli .
11 If one were starting a fast-food outlet aimed at selling sausages of various sorts and sizes prepared in different ways , it is unlikely that one would wish to open one 's new premises under the name of the proprietor ; ‘ Alan Pannett 's Sausage Cafe ’ , for instance , hardly has an impressive ring about it for marketing and promotion of this new product and business venture .
12 Two years ago the group won the go-ahead for a different scheme aimed at the banking and financial sectors , but the crash and oversupply in the City market forced a rethink .
13 Ministers also backed a German proposal aimed at closer military collaboration between NATO and former Warsaw Pact countries under the aegis of the North Atlantic Co-operation Council ( NACC ) [ see pp. 38698-99 ; 38841 ; 38986 ] .
14 In the wake of last September 's humiliation on the foreign exchanges , ministers took to claiming that their release from the disciplines of the Exchange Rate Mechanism afforded a happy opportunity to pursue a fresh strategy aimed at economic recovery and the creation of jobs .
15 There is a commercial program aimed at adults which has a library of 10,000 words , and can play against several players at once .
16 Only the exhortation to ‘ all Party organizations ’ on 28 March 1933 to carry out a nation-wide boycott aimed at Jewish businesses , goods , doctors , and lawyers , starting on 1 April , concentrated explicitly on the ‘ Jewish Question ’ .
17 It would be just as easy for a group of primary schools to pool their efforts and resources in spearheading a joint campaign aimed at both local and national industry .
18 In 1981 the three Indo-Chinese regimes presented a joint initiative aimed at normalising conditions in Southeast Asia and creating a zone of peace , stability and good neighbourliness .
19 Indeed , Bailey holds up for critical scrutiny the idea that schools can prepare young people for a world of rapid technological change by concentrating on the very technology which is subject to change ; rather , he suggests , the best basis for adaptability is a liberal education aimed at generating a wide understanding and the development of reason and autonomy .
20 The Department of Health intends to screen the ads on RTE as part of a national campaign aimed at preventing the spread of AIDS .
21 Adrian Moorhouse — now a consultant with the Amateur Swimming Association — has been in Gloucester as part of Swim 2 000 , a national campaign aimed at nurturing young talent .
22 The move is part of a national policy aimed at helping the mentally handicapped live as normal lives as possible rather than being locked away in institutions .
23 This view , represented by , for instance , Dennis Skinner ( Bolsover ) , holds that the capitalist mechanisms of the EEC prevent Britain from adopting a socialist programme aimed at creating full employment .
24 Skill is a functional concept aimed at the understanding of how it is done without recourse to the detail of underlying physiological mechanisms .
25 But whereas Futurism had been to a large extent aimed at and against Paris and Parisian painting , the Germans were content to remain on the receiving end of things and their work , in the pre-war years at least , had little or no influence back on French art .
26 Immediately after Mr Lamont sat down , the Prime Minister took the rare step of issuing a brief statement aimed at countering speculation that his days as Chancellor are numbered .
27 He argues that the sociology of knowledge is a hermeneutic approach aimed at understanding rather than evaluation and as a critical theory it creates a level of communication and understanding across different perspectives .
28 On Nov. 20-22 South Korea elaborated a previous submission aimed at strengthening Anti-Dumping Code disciplines on importing countries , and the USA emphasized the need to extend the Code coverage to practices used in evading anti-dumping duties .
29 The Polish government has proposed transforming 10 per cent of its debts to western governments ( which total around US$32 billion ) into a domestic fund aimed at cleaning up the country 's environment .
30 A Satanic conspiracy aimed at the total destruction of all that is good , pure and true ? ’
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