Example sentences of "a [noun] [vb mod] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 His name served as a seal of approval that a deal would go ahead and that it would be profitable .
2 Such a bid may go ahead immediately , provided the voting rights attached to the shares are not exercised .
3 A hamster will go completely mental if you start slagging him off .
4 Yet although my addresses were chiefly in the nature of pep-talks , I usually contrived to work in what today would be called ‘ culture ’ , and sometimes the pub scene in The Waste Land or parts of Portrait of a Lady would go down with a wow .
5 maths information we had a , a child would go straight to the maths
6 She looked at Fand , seeing the white arms shake , and knowing that in another moment a spear would go home and Fand would die ; because of me , she thought , all because of me .
7 Before a transfer could go through , Lawrence took over from Colin Todd at Ayresome Park .
8 Kenneth Baker indicated recently that he thinks such a plan should go ahead ; if he can persuade his government colleagues that the scheme could make a real contribution to economic growth it could start up by the Spring .
9 A developer could go ahead without applying for planning permission , or could even ignore a refusal of permission .
10 I 'll have a salad , I 'm not bothered , I 'm saying I 'm not that hungry so a salad would go down nicely .
11 I like to remind myself , from time to time , of Lord Macnaghten 's remark that he did not think that the framers of the Irish Land Act were to blame for not assuming that a judge would go out of his way to derogate from the rights of a third person who had nothing whatever to do with the matter in hand .
12 A war might go well and be over quickly .
13 some members of a band could go out in the evening and pop into a whole bunch of places to ask if they will give them a gig .
14 A team will go out to Russia from this country during the week beginning 10 February to see what part we can play in that process .
15 Anyone looking for an exotic finish to a room need go no further than Ravissant .
16 And at the end of the day he 's tired , he 's physically weary , and he says let's get away for a while let's go over to the other side .
17 Some areas have day care available at weekends , or for long days so that a carer can go out to work .
18 The entire stock of the nation 's glasses turns over in two years so there is no reason why this measure should result in any implementation costs or why the price of a pint should go up .
19 Even then , a strike can go ahead only with the backing , secured in open or secret ballot , of a majority of the work force .
20 Once diarrhoeal disease has set in a baby will go under in just two or three days .
21 A month might go by in which you do not lose as much weight as you had hoped .
22 As of wine , a man may go on hungering
23 A man might go off his beat to have a chat on the Docks , and have a smoke in the Dock bobby 's hut , when you knew the sergeant was n't around .
24 Then a man would go up on a ladder outside and put a hook on a chain around the ridge tree .
25 A man would go faster than an arabeah , certainly if you took into account the time needed to explain it to the arabeah driver .
26 A man will go so far and then he will snap .
27 Conscious of a ball not carrying through all the time to Jack Russell and while a slash or a drive will go very fast to them , have to be sure that the ball is going to carry .
28 These days no appearance in a theatre can go ahead without lots and lots of electricity .
29 I hope that a message can go out that there is a new resolve in the west and that we are determined to ensure that the killing , the destruction and the brutality stop , and that , as a new year dawns in a few days ' time , it dawns with a new sense of hope for the battered , beleaguered people of Croatia .
30 I hope that a message will go out from my hon. and learned Friend the Minister when he replies for the Government .
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