Example sentences of "a [noun] [pers pn] have had " in BNC.

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1 Scar tissue all right ; a birthmark she 'd had removed in early teens in case it turned malignant .
2 In fact , I 'd go so far as to return a compliment I 've had paid to me by men many times over in my eventful life .
3 Sort my love life with Rocky out , we 've had a bit of a tiff at the moment , as a result I 've had to drop him from the squad completely and he 'll probably go and join the scum where he 'll show me up like that poncy french bugger who used to play here .
4 As a result I have had to conclude it will be quite difficult to include an article based on the interesting paper you wrote for the branch , in the next edition .
5 Power exists only if others recognize a capacity We have had some interesting examples over recent years of power being unceremoniously withdrawn from politicians .
6 She then told me of a child she had had who had been still-born .
7 As a child she had had a piggy bank ; she could recall the physical satisfaction of its jingling weight in her hands .
8 He told a friend of a dream he had had , ‘ a terrible nightmare ’ — perhaps apocryphal too , but there are no Secret Service logs of dreams — in which America 's support of the contras had failed .
9 Edouard came into her body with a feeling of shuddering release and the afternoon seemed to pass in a dream he had had , or she had had long before .
10 Ted , 51 — now trained in law and first aid — said : ‘ As a cleaner I 've had an insight into what goes on in the cells . ’
11 Jamie was in the middle of a story about a disagreement he 'd had with a master at his school over the A-level English syllabus when the phone rang .
12 He discovered that as a girl she had had a passion for Stendhal , so had he , and they talked about Julien Sorel and Tolstoi and Rimbaud .
13 But the Guider and all the Pack learned later on about her meeting with the stranger on the seat , because at the next Pack Meeting the Guider read out a letter from Mr. Bishop , the estate agent , which said the Earl of Ferngrove had given special instructions that the Brownie Guide Pack could continue to use the Park whenever they wished , as he was quite satisfied , thanks to a chat he 'd had with one of them , that they were very careful not to leave litter about in the Park .
14 ‘ Ever since he was a boy he has had a fear of them .
15 As a consequence we have had to revise some of the premium rates applying to various sections of your Policy .
16 ‘ What a job I 've had catching you .
17 If you get stuck on a red you 've had it .
18 Once we 'd decided to have a baby we had had to find a Father .
19 Apparently this old man , John Raven lived in a shack beside the stone and made a good living out of selling a paper he had had printed , which gave the size , weight and origin of the stone .
20 ‘ And when you got back here , everyone could see that Walter was just a shell , just a husk you 'd had all the goodness out of .
21 They 'd always taught her that the only truly good things were those of permanent value ; her first school had been a church school , and twice a week they 'd had to set their chairs in a raggedy half-circle and fidget their way through one of the vicar 's haranguing lectures on Life .
22 It was a pilgrimage I had had to make , and I was glad I had made it .
23 It was funny , we sat in silence facing each other and I had a feeling I 've had once or twice before , of the most peculiar closeness to him — not love or attraction or sympathy in any way .
24 I really did feel very left out , and left out of something important , a feeling I 'd had before .
25 It was a habit he had had as a child .
26 It 's not a phrase I 've had occasion to use all that much .
27 A man she had had an affair with some thirty years ago .
28 ‘ Wow , I 'm glad you called , man , ’ said Hopper who thought his friend had telephoned to patch up a quarrel they 'd had before Fonda left for Canada .
29 Shirley Harper touched the locket at her throat , for luck , a superstition she had had since childhood .
30 Another said , ‘ I 'd a thought you 'd had enough of that by now ! ’
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