Example sentences of "a [noun] [coord] put [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Use a variety and put it in more than one spot , if you have space , to allow more birds to feed at one time .
2 Erm in fact telephones , I mean talking back to nineteen forties and fifties , very few people had telephones , and it was n't uncommon in , in those days on fire engines , where , I know at Salisbury we did this , we took a bike and put it on the back of a fire engine , and if you were the youngest you were told , send the stock message back , or the informative message back , and find the telephone , and you pedalled and find the telephone , and , and you 'd get told off when you came back , why you were n't quicker about taking it .
3 He saw things in a flash and put them down in a sentence or at most a paragraph .
4 Quentin took his black mackintosh from a hook and put it on .
5 Now the Wye 's the only major river in England where anyone can bring a boat and put it on the water without any form of licence .
6 To further pleas from Toby not to touch him I raced upstairs , grabbed a duvet and put it round him .
7 Get a forklift and put it in the bloody garden see .
8 The horse , moving to juicier thistles , lifted a great chipped hoof large as a soup-plate and put it down beside Hoomey 's plimsoll .
9 Now cover your whole head with a towel and put it over the steaming bowl so the towel forms a ‘ tent ’ to catch the steam .
10 Ellen caught it in a towel and put it out and went back to sleep .
11 Looks like you 'll have to sort of like put it up for a day and then take it down for a week and put it back in again .
12 You can have it in on a block , or , and put it on the floor , a lump and put it on the floor .
13 If you took all the cells of a swallow and put them together at random , the chance that the resulting object would fly is not , for everyday purposes , different from zero .
14 Whenever mum was ill I used to get a little card and write a poem and put it on her pillow .
15 ‘ Teach me to live , that I may dread/The grave as little as my bed ’ , he had written ; in this spirit he carried his shroud in a portmanteau and put it on a few days before his death at Longleat in 1711 , which his friends considered to have been advanced by his fasting and mortifications .
16 You would n't take a clarinet out of a box and put it together crooked .
17 Put layer after layer of washed , fresh runner beans and plenty of salt in a large-necked earthenware container , cover the neck with a cloth and put it in a cool , dark place .
18 Patrick absent-mindedly accepted a cup and put it on the kitchen table beside him .
19 For England , another barren draw would end the year with a groan and put them in the position of having to begin the final run-in to the World Cup after nine months without a goal .
20 Then the Dawn Maiden gave him one of the Sun 's burning rays ; she wound it up like a ribbon and put it in a box which she hung round his neck .
21 ‘ One or two of these mushrooms are deliquescing already , ’ Rodney picked out a couple and put them in a plastic bag .
22 Just take a couple and put them on a plate !
23 ‘ He can take a clock and put it back together again .
24 , so he left it all open and I kept finding rolled up socks and of course there 's in the bottom of the airing cupboard where the tank is , and to pick them up and give them a shake and put them back again .
25 Put in a bowl or put it in a plastic
26 He 'd give you a visit and put it in his book and you 'd do the same .
27 But when on first hearing of this arrangement I tried to inform Miss Kenton of it , she once again refused to converse with me , and in order to accomplish matters as quickly as possible I was actually obliged to write a note and put it under the door of her parlour .
28 ‘ Eventually , I wrote a note and put it through the letter box saying we would love to buy the house if it ever came up for sale . ’
29 This is when we all got cut fingers , you know that , you cut it just right the crown , and you try to be quick , we all got these marks on the forefinger , sugar beet and swede , you know you took a swede and put it on the heap in one go , you know , well , with sugar beet you had to be more careful , did n't you , you cut the crown
30 She tipped the rice into a pan and put it on the top on a low number and retreated to the living room where Alan was sprawled on the sofa reading the copy of a Sunday newspaper they had collected from a garage shop next to the pub .
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