Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] weeks [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Marsilid was tried as a treatment for depressed patients , and , given over a period of weeks rather than days , but it had disadvantages as well as advantages .
2 Meanwhile , other sources say Microsoft Corp , which only a matter of weeks ago denied that its Windows NT offering would undergo XPG3 branding ( UX No 403 ) , is now also committed to gaining an XPG3 shield to take into its upcoming battle with Unix .
3 This family is still grieving for the son who was killed just a matter of weeks ago .
4 Although they have only spent a matter of weeks together , a strong spiritual bond exists between them .
5 A NUMBER of weeks ago Lower Ormeau Residents ' Action Group raised the issue of the dredging of the River Lagan with those responsible — the Laganside Corporation , the DoE Water Service and the contractors .
6 It was a number of weeks ago I had cause to sit on it to do some paperwork ; I then found out I was to be a father again .
7 We have been using these for only a number of weeks now , but the response has been very encouraging .
8 And a re-run of those days could be just a couple of weeks away .
9 Mr Morris , 45 , who has served for 10 years at TV-am 's Camden Lock headquarters , says : ‘ I 'm going to have a lie-in in the morning and then a holiday for a couple of weeks somewhere sunny . ’
10 Morrissey had inspired speculation by his conspicuous non-attendance at the band 's post-Albert Hall lig a couple of weeks previously .
11 They announced it just a couple of weeks ago .
12 As the Fleet Street editors themselves recognised a couple of weeks ago , many British papers have forfeited the strength on which their freedom depends : they are not seen as the defenders of freedom by their own readers .
13 As the Fleet Street editors themselves recognised a couple of weeks ago , many British papers have forfeited the strength on which their freedom depends : they are not seen as the defenders of freedom by their own readers .
14 ‘ About someone called Angela Morgan whom you or another F. Wilson at the DTI had lunch with a couple of weeks ago .
15 The second one — the one she made a couple of weeks ago — i-s a bit more complicated , but not much .
16 ‘ I sang live on Australian TV just a couple of weeks ago .
17 Recalling those moments now , he opened Anna 's file of typed poems , seeking the one she 'd written , only a couple of weeks ago , about the funeral flowers .
18 Optimism over the re-election prospects of the Conservative party , widespread among stockbrokers and fund managers only a couple of weeks ago , has ebbed away and there is now more active consideration of other possible outcomes .
19 Remember a couple of weeks ago when you were taking the piss out of him for being scruffy , you told him not to come in again unless he was wearing a tie .
20 A couple of weeks ago , I might have expected the Tories to scrape through to election victory with such a Budget .
21 My bone marrow was harvested a couple of weeks ago and the whole thing was a piece of cake .
22 A COUPLE of weeks ago in the busy London evening rush hour I came across Britain 's hardest-working Royal travelling to another demanding job .
23 Wright said : ‘ After the victory over Blackburn a couple of weeks ago , I picked up some kind of flu bug .
24 The leniently-treated Sooner Still ran well at Doncaster a couple of weeks ago , but is often let down by his jumping .
25 The defender said : ‘ When we lost 5-0 at Liverpool a couple of weeks ago we all got together and had a heart-to-heart .
26 A couple of weeks ago a dear sister was helping a sick brother in our fellowship , by doing his washing .
27 3.40:TOP weight Annicombe Run was not disgraced when fifth to the leniently-treated Mighty Mogul at Chepstow a couple of weeks ago .
28 I am great fan of tennis , especially women 's tennis and a couple of weeks ago I went down to Brighton to the semi-final matches of the Midland Bank Indoor Championships .
29 Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA was showing off a prototype workstation built around the DEC Alpha AXP RISC and running Microsoft Corp Windows NT at the Hannover CeBit show a couple of weeks ago .
30 Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA was showing off a prototype workstation built around the DEC Alpha AXP RISC and running Microsoft Windows NT at the Hannover CeBit show a couple of weeks ago .
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