Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] for public " in BNC.

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1 The coming parliamentary session will provide a momentous opportunity for public debate on a matter of deep moral significance .
2 The Health of the Nation spells out a clear strategy for public health policy , and many regional and district health authorities have mapped out their local plans .
3 It was ‘ a blatant bid for public sympathy ’ , according to the director Donald Driver , who had walked out on the production in protest at the way Dustin had taken over .
4 My long-standing suspicion that amnesia is a crucial qualification for public life was strongly reinforced by the behaviour of Labour shadow ministers after the election .
5 Instead , it preferred the creation of a national body for public sector higher education along the lines of the University Grants Committee which would directly control the polytechnics and colleges and which would be made up of nominees of the Secretary of State .
6 He believed that ‘ there was nothing to prevent those who wished to give their service voluntarily working with the authorities , and after many years producing a magnificent edifice for public health to help their fellows ’ .
7 The Dar es Salaam-based Government papers , despite their partiality , did act as a valuable forum for public debate .
8 Walter Marshall had a natural flair for public relations , During the long-running Sizewell Inquiry on a Pressurised Water Reactor ( PWR ) , he had upstaged Friends of the Earth by donating his tie to a campaign jumble sale .
9 It was not a great day for public transport in the Val d'Aosta .
10 The government white paper The Health of the Nation identifies the need to reduce suicide rates as a key goal for public health .
11 Gossip in Mother Russell 's had it that they 'd made their fortune by some prize , for there were one or two men in Harry Pascoe 's crew who thought they had seen strange goings on close inshore under the Gribbin the previous October ; but these would not be drawn further , and although it was never put into so many words , people came to accept that the source of Harry Pascoe 's wealth was not a safe subject for public discussion .
12 He said that the police had a statutory obligation for public safety .
13 More recently , professor Griffith has spoken of the need for a new jurisprudence for public law , which he suggests might best be founded on some ( unspecified ) modern variant of utilitarianism ( Griffith , 1981 ) .
14 ‘ They have to learn that there is n't a bottomless pit for public spending , that taxing higher earners does not help the poor , that a statutory minimum wage costs jobs . ’
15 A formal draft for public comment on fair value accounting is expected shortly .
16 Maskelyne took out patents on over forty commercial inventions , which included a cash register , patented in 1869 , which won a major award at the Paris exhibition , his 1889 typewriter , and his 1892 patent for a coin-operated lock for public lavatories , which was used in England until the 1950s .
17 The process had been crowned by the Tsar 's undertaking to set up a State Duma , a permanent forum for public participation in the affairs of government .
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