Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun sg] of both " in BNC.

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1 In summary , single-mode inhomogeneously-broadened lasers have provided a rich corpus of both experimental and theoretical work : detailed quantitative comparison of the two is becoming possible with the development of unidirectional single-mode helium-xenon lasers by the Abraham group .
2 I 'm sure he was under a terrific amount of both metabolic and emotional stress .
3 A low level of both consumption and investment demand leads firms to cut back on their production , lay off workers and leave capital equipment lying idle .
4 In 1843 , in a series of lectures at the Orthopaedic Institution ( published in 1855 as Lectures on the Deformities of the Human Frame ) he described what became known as ‘ Little 's disease ’ , a spastic paralysis of both lower limbs secondary to infantile cerebral palsy .
5 Dearlove ( 1973 , p. 15 ) shows both arguments to be largely false , and concludes that such studies consisted of ‘ unsupported hunches based on partial research ’ , leading to a definite exaggeration of both central control and uniformity of service provision .
6 Multilingual puns are a favourite plaything of both her and her friend Siegfried .
7 In vertebrates , the division of the spinal cord recalls the original segmentation , and the organization of the nervous system is still largely based on a segmental arrangement of both receptor and effector nerves .
8 Thomas emerged from the hearings with considerable public sympathy , polls showing that a clear majority of both men and women backed him , but the long-term damage to his judicial reputation was unclear .
9 In the light of this catalogue of achievements it was almost inevitable that Geoff should gain his second Player of the Year award from out discerning supporters , while the fact that he earned it in Palace 's most successful season of all time is a clear demonstration of both his immense value and huge contribution to our club .
10 For him the reworking of familiar images is not simply a matter of drawing attention to the way in which mass-reproduction numbs the optic nerves , by shocking the spectator with a moustached Mona Lisa , but rather , using a peculiar blend of both iconoclasm and a sort of wry homage , of investigating the power of certain images , particularly those which have national resonance .
11 For at the moment of creativity , the designer draws upon a knowingness , an intuition either subconscious or superconscious that is a multidimensional encapsulation of both problem and solution .
12 During the early years of British rule many officials observed that there was a high level of both civil and criminal litigation .
13 However , the construction of a new sewage-treatment plant in 1983–84 resulted , in subsequent years , in a marked improvement of both water quality and biota illustrating that problems such as this are not irreversible but avoidable .
14 The lender will seek a detailed profile of both the borrower and the business proposal with supporting evidence of market research of product , service and competition .
15 But if there is to be a new morality — new values for the new situation resulting from technological and political change in the closing years of the twentieth century — then the creation of that new morality must in the end be a joint enterprise of both women and men .
16 Charles Pasqua , interior minister in France 's new government , is a personal friend of both President Biya and President Omar Bongo of Gabon , and is on good terms with President Eyadéma .
17 There is a vast array of both scientific and anecdotal evidence for the existence of states of being other than the physical , and there are various ways of understanding such states .
18 The cafe situated at the watersports building is opened for all the summer months and provides a comprehensive menu of both hot and cold foods .
19 A consistent finding of both official and independent research is that the majority of people with disabilities are over retirement age .
20 Although Edward attempted in September 1294 to tax the clergy at a national assembly of both clergy and laity , the clergy 's decision was postponed to their own provincial assemblies early in the new year .
21 Similarly , if prices accurately reflect long-term prospects , a fund manager required to improve short-term performance can do so only by identifying and buying under-valued shares , and identifying and selling over-valued ones , which in turn depends on a balanced evaluation of both the company 's short- and long-term position .
22 The potential cast for telling that story is vast , and it strikes me that a large number of both major and important minor characters is absent from Rosenthal and Joachimedes 's list .
23 As the grandmother ( originally played by Edith Evans ) , Constance Cummings , now in her 80s , recalls a vanished age of acting with her effortless sense of style and superb ability to turn a line to perfection , while Jean Marsh brings a moving sense of both hurt and hope to the role of Miss Madrigal .
24 In Seattle he had studied philosophy , citing Nietzche and Camus as two of his more important influences , and he has a remarkable grasp of both British and American politics .
25 A little bit of both is the almost certain outcome .
26 Er I was chairman of that committee as well , View when , when , during quite a long period , until the whole system was changed to the council system like and went onto er and er there was one of our , our er officer who was in charge of welfare was a Mr who had a great knowledge of both Selkirk and Galashiels and the country and er he was known by everybody .
27 The most famous and obvious dissenter was Winston Churchill who , in his years in the political wilderness , was a great critic of both Stanley Baldwin and Neville Chamberlain .
28 ‘ Most of us think a great deal of both Kylie and Jason Donovan .
29 In Tanzania , for example , the Dodoma section of the semi-arid central region has a long history of both accelerated soil erosion and attempts at conservation .
30 A major advantage of both MID-TEL and MID-CRED is that neither system requires customers to install expensive computer equipment .
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