Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [prep] [art] corner " in BNC.

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1 The Arches exhibition organisers had placed a dinosaur around a corner and asked them to deal with it .
2 When I come out , there 's a gang on the corner of Scotland Road .
3 I mean it stuck out like a sore thumb , I mean er by King George 's playing fields erm cos of the , they had n't the , th the , the s other story for that was as I said was we they sent er some of us to a class in Walsall for er aircraft recognition and er the days I went to this class , cos I went as er , er both for the factory and for the Home Guard , so that I could cover both the factory and when I were on duty , Home Guard and we was at a building on the corner of Corporation Street and west , and we was taking classes in there .
4 One of them has in fact already opened just downtown in Arata Isosaki 's renovated space in a building at the corner of Prince Street and Broadway in the heart ( perhaps a more appropriate word would be bowels ) of SoHo .
5 The driver — a sandy young Irishman ( I mention this as it was St Patrick 's Day ) — replied brightly , ‘ Oi do n't know 'bout dat — but dere 's trouble ahead 'cos dere 's some fellow tryin' to jump off a building round the corner . ’
6 It was right because he was rich and confident enough to introduce Mary Rose to his terrible clod of a brother and his wife , and to Mammy , who was old and senile and sat like a statue in a corner by the kitchen fire .
7 If so , I 'm meeting two girls at a cop-shop on the corner of Green Street and there 's a pub next to it called the Wagon & Horses .
8 One old man remembered a cottage in the corner of the field when he was a boy , which had been demolished in the mid-1900s .
9 The classrooms in which such learning takes place may look very different from those in which I sat as a child 50 years ago ( the walls are covered with paintings and there is a computer in the corner , the desks are informally arranged ) but the assumption that all learning is determined , ordered and mediated through the teacher is the common thread which links the schools of the 1980s with those of my pre-war childhood .
10 Her friend , Rosie Fortinbras , always getting lost between the Pinacoteca and the Duomo in Siena , boasted of having kissed her way round all the waiters in the restaurant in the Piazza del Campo , saving for the last , like a favourite soft creamy centre , little Vittorio with the face of a page-boy in the corner of an Adoration of the Magi .
11 Yeah , there was a sunbed round the corner probably .
12 But Dzagnidze then followed his own kick for a try in the corner , and Mironov swept through for a try that Dzagnidze converted .
13 Fallon still had a bit of work to do , even then , but he had already bumped off Perrins and Hannaford with one uncompromising run and this time his strength buried the rest of the Gloucester defence and took him over for a try in the corner .
14 Alex Graham brought Armagh back into the match at 20-18 with a try in the corner after a clever kick ahead by James Scott .
15 There was always complaints coming in from the people who lived in the area about the gangs making a noise on the corner .
16 On the way back , she filled a pouch in the corner of her shawl with the edible weeds that grow like tongues of spinach among the crops .
17 Then a bearded man in a bowler hat and overcoat came in , looked around and found himself a seat in a corner .
18 Charlie grabbed a seat in the corner of an unlit carriage and stared out of the grimy window at a passing English countryside he had never seen before .
19 A young woman , an SS auxiliary in uniform , sat at a typewriter in the corner .
20 A glance at the corner where the copper stood , then at the doorway behind me , where the light fell on the gleaming worktops and new cupboards .
21 She sent a glance to the corners where the shadows still lay , thick and clotted and sinister , but nothing moved .
22 Benjamin rose and , slipping his arm through mine , led me back to the garden , teasing me into a good mood as he explained how he had found Waldegrave drunk as a lord and insensible as a rock in a corner of his opulent chapel .
23 She thought he was going to read it , but instead he tore a piece off the corner .
24 She noticed one of the wooden struts on the opposite wall had snapped off leaving an aperture the size of a football in the corner of the car .
25 It is not sufficient that the accused takes the car as a joke , as happened in Stokes [ 1982 ] Crim LR 695 ( CA ) , where the accused pushed a car round a corner in order to create the impression that it had been stolen .
26 On the Pennyfarthing Street corner was James Garage which had been a Job Masters with a showroom at the corner .
27 My skin crawled , and I shivered a bit as I stood there , desolate as a child in a corner .
28 Culley would n't have been surprised to see a rat-maze in the corner .
29 His shirt was n't clean and he had the beginnings of a pimple at the corner of his mouth and another about to burst above the knot of his cravat .
30 We did n't have to look far before we found a hollow in the corner of a field , riddled with holes and scattered with fresh earth and droppings .
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