Example sentences of "and go straight [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Tony Hands of Colchester has leap-frogged above Harris in the rankings and goes straight into the main event .
2 LEEDS hooker Richard Gunn has signed for Featherstone Rovers and goes straight into the side against Carlisle to-morrow .
3 Middlesbrough-born Gill has signed until the end of the season and goes straight into the squad for tomorrow 's important game at Scunthorpe .
4 The decisive customer knows what she wants and goes straight to the counter to ask for the item she requires .
5 He cuts out the middle men and women — the dreaded parents — and goes straight for the hearts and minds of kids .
6 He might have to abandon his return to the pensione to change and go straight to the Stasi address .
7 He indicated a swing-seat , but with a shake of her head she refused to sit , preferring to stand and go straight into the attack .
8 But anyone can bypass their GP and go straight to an NHS GUM ( genito-urinary medicine ) clinic for immediate and confidential treatment — or even just for a sexual health ‘ MOT ’ between partners .
9 Characteristically , he refuses to make any secret of his work with Brown , whose Olympic drugs ban has one more year to run ; nor , in loyal fashion , does he have any doubts that Brown will return to competition and go straight to the top .
10 She arrived at work at a quarter to nine and went straight to the studio .
11 After four years in the Royal Artillery , Dignam was invalided out of the army and went straight to the Arts Theatre , where he was a delightfully tongue-in-cheek Shavian Angel and a foxy Claudius , proving Stanislavsky 's adage , as Agrippa in the Anthony Quayle/Edith Evans Antony and Cleopatra , that there are ‘ no small parts ’ .
12 We flew out on Saturday and went straight to the Mar Y Sol to meet Tanit the Island God .
13 Corbett continued into Inverkeithing and went straight to the ale-house where he had told Ranulf to meet him .
14 ‘ He was in a hurry to catch a train and went straight to the platform , fully intending to buy a ticket on the train or at his destination , ’ the spokesman said .
15 The young man looked very pale and went straight to the door .
16 On Monday morning Greg had no classes before eleven , so he took the early bus to Burnley and went straight to the Public Library .
17 He must have taken a short cut that she had n't noticed on her way down , as they arrived back at the house sooner than she was expecting and went straight to the veranda , where Faye still lay on the lounger , enjoying a long drink of iced water .
18 Not having any time to think about it , Dave left work and went straight to the airfield .
19 We by-passed the town and went straight to the former station , which is actually not in the town itself , but at Minllyn .
20 She turned away from Tracy Johnson and went straight to the woman in the chair .
21 With a white , set face , she left the office and went straight to the ladies ' powder-room , breaking down in private and crying silent , bitter tears .
22 Agnes knew the room and went straight for the telephone .
23 Impatient as ever I skipped the help and went straight for the action !
24 Impatient as ever I skipped the help and went straight for the action !
25 He would n't tell me and went straight into the bathroom there and it was ages before he came out .
26 Once I did this without looking where I was going and went straight into the backs of nine armourers who were ambling towards the Mess for supper , and had to be disentangled from my machine , picked up and dusted off , which they did with all the gleeful enthusiasm which Thursby reserved for drawing his heavy black frontal lines on our neatly drawn charts .
27 I found one of those plastic and formica Little Chefs that were replacing the old greasy spoon eateries and went straight into the Gents .
28 He drew the curtains and went straight towards the bed .
29 Mait entered the house through a shattered French window , and went straight towards the alcove in the study .
30 and went straight through the garden and all the the time and all that he 'd spent and he went straight just through the garden and knocked her .
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