Example sentences of "and be found [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Once computers have been introduced to a company and are found to be indispensable in these areas , it is a small step to progress to analysed costing .
2 By means of inserted trace statements the values delivered by halfMeas , i.e. a measure of half of the view area , have been obtained and are found to be consistent .
3 This can be compared with the form of the WLF equation where ατ is the reduced variables shift factor , C 1 and C 2 are constants that can be evaluated from experimental data , and are found to be and when T g is the reference temperature .
4 Within the fragments only a limited amount of variance in the ordering of the tales is possible ; rather more diverse is the order in which the fragments can be and are found to be arranged .
5 Applying Kirchhoff 's current law to the unloaded network , the phasor node-pair potentials , and are found to be related by Substituting for in the second equation in terms of and from the first yields from which the transfer function is Consequently the ratio of potential-difference amplitude between output and input is When k = 1 this is the same transmission as provided by the Wien network of figure 8.8(a) .
6 All the facts given were checked and were found to be completely accurate .
7 The bags were returned in accordance with diplomatic protocol , and were found to be unopened and untampered with . ’
8 A medical history , electrocardiograph , blood pressure , and standard laboratory findings were obtained before the experiment and were found to be negative or normal Haematocrit was also obtained 24 hours after the experiment .
9 If an application is processed quickly and is found to be bogus , the person concerned is sent back to his country of origin .
10 When the Validation program has been run and the output in VALIFY.TXT and/or VALIDATE.MOD or VALIFY.CRC has been checked and is found to be satisfactory , the LIFESPAN system may be restarted .
11 The chemical structure of mescaline was established in 1918 and was found to be closely related to that of adrenaline , which leads to some interesting speculations .
12 Luckily penicillin became available and was found to be highly effective in what we would consider today to be almost homeopathic doses .
13 Rumours got around that a collector in Paris had one in a bank vault in the 1940s ; but this story was recently investigated , and was found to be based on a misunderstanding .
14 My Grandfather arrived and was found to be not my ‘ official ’ guardian , but despite red tape they finally carted me off to be cauterized .
15 The driver , who was normally employed as a fitter , but had some driving experience with the Corporation , was acting as a relief driver and was found to be principally to blame for the accident , because of his lack of experience , which resulted in his letting the car take the curve at too great a speed and the conductor for applying the hand brake at his end so as to lock the wheels ; he had received no instruction on the proper procedure .
16 The bridge had been cleaned and repainted two years earlier and was found to be sound .
17 If a ganger was working on the track and was found to be over the limit , a director or manager could be found guilty of a criminal offence .
18 The Bishop of London stayed abroad for a while , and then discreetly returned and was found to be in office again , and so effectively that no one troubled to make an issue of it .
19 Viability was measured using trypan blue exclusion and was found to be >95% both before and after two hours culture .
20 There was really very little to talk about , since they 'd seen each other at breakfast , so conversation became desultory once Irene had told Juliet about the other patients — the hysterectomies , the ovarian cyst as big as a football , and the girl who had come to be sterilised and was found to be pregnant .
21 Five-week-old Christopher was admitted on 12 April because of vomiting and was found to be suffering from a narrowing of the exit of the stomach .
22 The tanker was searched by coastguards protected by the marines from H M S Brazen and was found to be carrying stores in breach of the UN embargo ; it 's being diverted to a nearby port on the coast of Amman for further investigations .
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