Example sentences of "and then head [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I remembered getting out of my seat , putting on my jacket , wondering about trying to get something to eat , deciding I did n't feel hungry , glancing at the empty luggage rack , and then heading through the station and up the road .
2 They placed bombs on two isolated aircraft and then headed for the hangars where they expected to find some worthwhile booty .
3 At the comparative safety of a deserted road we collected ourselves a little and then headed for the station , trying hard to chuckle about it all , though obviously we had both been deeply affected .
4 She shook her head , thanked him for his co-operation and then headed for the way out .
5 Edward turned round , walked irresolutely around the room and then headed for the door , where he halted .
6 We visited the chapel and then headed for the living quarters .
7 I lay there for a minute recovering my cool and then headed for the back door .
8 He took Sir Bryan 's rejected set of clubs back to the caddie-master 's hut and then headed for the Tented Village .
9 Her mind still racing , she glanced down at the map on the passenger seat and then headed towards the road that would take her to Mountpelier Lodge .
10 They dispatched their excess female baggage at the Strand Gate where the Sheriff was closing in on them , and then headed across the quicksands to Rye , where they left their horses and disappeared among the labyrinth of smuggler 's passageways that honeycombed the cobbled streets .
11 The junior recruits set about their evening tasks While the seniors pack and then head for the NAAFI for their end-of-course party .
12 Protesters argue that traffic from Teesside could use the existing southern A66 by-pass round Darlington to Blands Corner and then head for the A1(M) .
13 Curve round west to post 23 and then head to the summit of Lord 's Seat .
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