Example sentences of "and that he 'd [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 A moment 's hesitation told her that he had , and that he 'd seen .
2 But to my dismay he said he 'd got a local caddie for Birkdale , and that he 'd misunderstood me when I said I 'd caddie for him anywhere .
3 And then Luke came in and said the fire was fine and that he 'd bashed the cushions up a bit , to make it all OK for them .
4 And this man said that he was a lay reader , and that he 'd retired , he 'd come back from Australia , and he though that he would like to help out in the parish .
5 As soon as you deigned to tell me that the Svend you were looking for was a student , and that he 'd used my home as a hotel , I recalled that my nephew spent a night here shortly after I moved in so that he could attend a lecture at the city university , and that I 'd entrusted him with a spare key so he could come and go as he pleased . ’
6 He said his lawyer had persuaded him to contest his father 's will and that he 'd regretted it ever since .
7 ‘ They said he was a spy , and that he 'd sold Government secrets to another country .
8 No one asked that question , they simply focused upon er the , the communist insurrection in the south and the American , American commitment to the global containment of communism meant that they had to go and do something about it and domestic political pressures were there too er President Kennedy came out of the Cuban missiles crisis a hero because his people mistakenly believed that he 'd won a foreign policy success and that he 'd acted in a restrained and statesmanlike manor .
9 Caroline claimed she 'd bathed him , massaged him and that he 'd had her several times dressed in school uniform .
10 And I says only that he 's gone to back to J J and I says , and that he 'd had enough .
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