Example sentences of "and partly because [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Social security spending expanded greatly after 1979 ( see Table 8. 1 ) partly because of the unexpected and sharp rise in unemployment and partly because of the increase in people of pensionable age .
2 Partly it is changing because women are getting more familiar with the industrial scene and partly because of the tremendous impact and influence of the strike at Grunwick Photoprocessing .
3 Businessmen are now so convinced of the need to have a well-trained workforce — partly because of persistent skills shortages and partly because of the evangelising work of the TECs themselves — that they will cut almost anything before they cut their training budgets .
4 This is partly because we need to understand and classify the vast amounts of pottery recovered from excavations at archaeological sites , and partly because of the high success rate of such analytical projects .
5 Its importance in soil conservation practice is world-wide partly because much of the international literature on the subject in popular and scientific journals is written by Americans , and partly because of the American foreign aid programme in which conservation plays an important part .
6 Bottles and bed-pans are not really practical , partly because of the difficulty of positioning the patient properly to avoid increasing his spasticity , and partly because of the risk of unpleasant spillages .
7 Partly arising from this , and partly because of the lack of difference found between many predator species , the crude measure of skeletal element proportions is not diagnostic , although it can still provide an approximation of the overall structure of the bone assemblage .
8 He had immense difficulties to overcome , partly because of the average Englishman 's prejudice against foreigners ( especially perhaps the French ) and partly because of the then prejudice of society against a science — veterinary medicine — which was not yet established as respectable .
9 What our survey revealed , however , was that numbers ‘ on average ’ were decreasing , partly because there are too many overlapping tournaments and partly because of the imposition of a registration fee .
10 Its specialist , academic , authoritarian elements have been persistently criticized , partly because they ignored progressives ' demands for children 's activity , participation and development through discovery , and partly because of the perceived irrelevance of this education to the lives of working-class children , the majority of whom have failed to benefit from it .
11 Through all this process , and partly because of the pressures created by it , the central role of governors has received little public attention .
12 Of course , all human institutions must rely heavily on consensus , and it is proper that they should , but in the British Electricity Authority , partly because of the predilection of the chairmen and partly because of the difficulty of defining yardsticks , internal politics were to dominate commercial allocative mechanisms more than in most businesses .
13 Sir George Calvert , a politician at the Stuart court , had already shown his interest in colonization by trying to found a settlement in the Avalon district of Newfoundland , though this had failed partly because of the climate and partly because of the opposition of the fishermen who came from England every summer to use it as a base for fishing on the Grand Banks .
14 So , partly because of Siraj-ud-Daula 's incompetence and partly because of the eagerness of the Company employees to supplement their incomes by plunging into Indian politics , the British began to move inland .
15 But partly because of the diversity of the French companies involved , and partly because of the distances separating the various European companies working for the CNES and ESA programmes , ‘ catching up with the Americans ’ has been an important unifying goal .
16 Little came of this , partly because of the resistance from regional newspapers , and partly because of the Jacobin traditions of a government little inclined to decentralize .
17 The university list is longer than the polytechnic/college one partly because of the greater range of degrees , and partly because of the greater number of more specialized degrees in the universities , although it should be remembered that specialized patterns of options may exist within broad degree programmes .
18 In practice , there has been considerable disappointment with the new system of planning , partly because of the lack of guidelines provided by central government and partly because of the slowness and cumbersomeness of the new procedures ( Barrass 1979 ; Shaw and Williams 1982a ) .
19 Thus the Yukagirs almost disappeared as a people , partly through assimilation to their stronger neighbours , and partly because of the disruption of the whole Yukagir community by the recruitment of their menfolk as native auxiliaries in the Russian campaigns against other native peoples , such as the Lamuts or Even Tungus of the Okhotsk seaboard .
20 This is partly because of the size of the corpuses needed for syntactic analysis and partly because of the accuracy required in the transcript , which has to be input in computer-readable form .
21 This has proved impossible , partly because of the wide variations in need imposed by disparate rents , and partly because of the steady rise in the cost of living .
22 Once they had settled in the Balkans they also became separated from each other , partly because of the geographical obstacles to easy movement within the peninsula , and partly because of the historical circumstances of foreign occupations .
23 Of these , only the first was part of PNP and it proved to be the most problematic , partly for administrative reasons and partly because of the delicacy of the issues of culture and status which it raised .
24 The contradiction was less dramatic for the revolutionaries in Cuba , where the Church 's influence was not great , partly because of the presence of vestiges of African religion from the slave culture and partly because of the comparatively developed state of Cuba 's economy and educational system .
25 The report claimed that the Code of Guidance which accompanied the Registered Homes Act of 1984 was not being applied , partly because of lack of resources and partly because of the restricted power of local authorities .
26 Of course , people would do as much as they could on their own , partly because it was n't easy to send for a vet in a faraway place like Baldersdale , which did n't have many telephones , and partly because of the expense .
27 This chain theory collapsed partly through its own incoherence under pressure — how do we know when we have got all the links ? — and partly because of the discovery of past faunas .
28 Partly because of the volume of this response and partly because of the radical nature of some of these proposals , going well beyond those envisaged in Partnership in Validation , the CNAA has allowed a few of the suggested procedures to be tried out on an experimental basis and while this is happening has virtually declared a moratorium on other ‘ special arrangement ’ proposals .
29 This may be due partly to the fact that , compared to the University of Wales , the Polytechnic is a relatively new arrival on the higher education scene , and partly because of the Welsh tendency , even more marked than in the rest of the country , to regard technological education as less prestigious than that in pure science and humanities .
30 Thus the generation 1690–1720 saw a considerable transference of real power from the King to Parliament , partly as a result of specific acts of legislation and partly because of the enormous changes in the country 's fiscal system and relationship to Europe which occurred in these years .
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