Example sentences of "and walk [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The figure turning the corner and walking heavily down the road could not under any circumstances have been Edward , but at least it relieved her from the suspicion that the street was uninhabited .
2 Ursula flicked a fragment of cigarette ash off the sleeve of her black dress and added , almost as an afterthought , ‘ Poor Maurice , ’ before turning and walking away towards the house .
3 ‘ Now , I must go and read the children that story I promised them , and then I 'll have to pack my case , ’ he added , clearly considering the subject closed as he patted her hand before rising from the couch and walking away towards the twins ' bedroom .
4 He only started to relax when he was out on the stone-chip drive and walking away from the house .
5 Our cat , and I 've really watched her makes a point of going and walking slowly in the road .
6 And so Branwell spent more and more time drinking , and taking laudanum , and walking alone on the moors .
7 ‘ Is it still light enough to work ? ’ asked Merymose , standing , and walking across to the doctor to look down at the body .
8 She saw , coming out of the hut and walking across towards the gate , Pete and Sammy , two of her youth volunteers .
9 There were four long rings and then it cut out , but before it stopped , Cawthorne was coming out of the farmhouse and walking quickly towards the Paddock .
10 You take the biggest of the logs , which is about the size of a man 's arm , and walk softly across the room to the bedroom door .
11 And , by giving him all the best lines ( ‘ Yo , District Attorney 's Club , sucker ’ ) and using him sparingly , Mulcahy , and Silver allow Ice to hijack the three or four scenes in which he appears and walk away with the film single-handedly .
12 We have only to look at the animal kingdom ; a creature in the wild will never overeat and , even if it has had to put effort into the hunting and killing of its prey , it will stop eating when it has had enough and walk away from the food .
13 And walk away from the best chance we 've had in years to complete the mission ? ’
14 Rather the contrary : in Britain a wastesite operator who finds it too expensive to meet the rules can simply hand in his licence and walk away from the site .
15 I ride the tube to Bond Street and walk easily to the courthouse .
16 Go through a white gate , go left and walk diagonally across the field , through a gate in the hedge opposite into a large field .
17 Cross this stile and walk diagonally across the field beyond .
18 Keep moving right and you should find the concert permit , jump up onto the purple wall and walk right to the other side , get one of the three crates and kill the mugger , then walk to the right and jump up three platforms to reach a heart , fall down to where you started then climb down the ladder with a crate , kill the workman , go down another level and kill the mugger ( avoiding the dog ) , go down another level , climb down the ladder and go down again , you can risk hitting the wire and flame to collect the records ( macho time again ) , climb down a final ladder and jump off to the left .
19 I take my combination tackle bag and seat and walk carefully towards the river , then place the seat near to the water but behind the cover of a hawthorn bush .
20 As he watched her squeeze through the stile and walk forward with the others , she seemed strange and unreal , like something he had imagined when he was a very little boy .
21 And then he had watched two men leave the Tower and walk across towards the Stones , towards his Stones , and he had clambered down from his perch and hidden himself where they would not see him but where he could watch them .
22 Woodie was not feeling very sociable , as he had had , of course , to return his car to the Surrey side and walk home across the Bridge .
23 We undressed and walked right through the shiny white-tiled shower room where a woman attendant was scrubbing someone with a loofah .
24 McLeish thanked him , scrambled up the embankment , drawing in deep breaths , and walked carefully down the side of the track in the sizeable footsteps of his squad , explaining to them that they were looking for a sharp-edged weapon .
25 But she pushed open the low , wrought-iron gate without hesitating , and walked carefully up the narrow path to the door .
26 Now it was a pillar of darkness covering him from the eyes of the watch as he stepped out from the trees and walked steadily across the open space of grass .
27 I stepped carefully over the city wall , which was less than a metre high , and walked slowly through the two main streets .
28 ‘ Nurse sent me home early.because I 'm ill , ’ she said in a small voice and walked slowly up the stairs .
29 She moved away from the mirror and walked slowly to the door , she would eat her supper , make pleasant conversation with her landlady and then return to her room .
30 She draped a plain white shawl round her shoulders , and walked slowly to the farm .
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