Example sentences of "and so they [be] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 The first is that the history of the Kalahari Bushmen is just as long as those of technologically more advanced people of today , and so they are not representative of an ‘ earlier period ’ in the history of mankind .
2 The belemnoids disappear from the fossil record at the end of the Cretaceous , but some of the group gave rise to living squid-like animals , and so they are not to be regarded as extinct in the same , final way as the ammonoids .
3 Most organisms , ranging from other microbes to man , can absorb folic acid and rely on it to provide their needs , and so they are not affected by sulphonamides .
4 Shorter wavelengths than this can cause damage to animal tissue and so they are not used by any life , except us .
5 Quota samples are not based on random choice and so they are not statistically objective .
6 There are very high level languages on the market which enable certain types of systems to be developed quickly and easily , but they are not as fast as the traditional languages , and so they are not suitable for recruitment applications .
7 They were n't told FIMBRA had kicked him out in 1988 and so they are n't entitled to compensation .
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