Example sentences of "and [pers pn] is unlikely [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Part of the time he may almost be unaware that he is speaking to another person — after all Gila does n't understand English very well and it is unlikely that she would fully understand the references to Rupert Brooke and the poem ‘ The Old Vicarage , Grantchester ’ .
2 As Professor Housman used to say , ‘ Stand on a barrel in the streets of Baghdad and say twice two are four and ginger is hot in the mouth and therefore Mohammed is the prophet of God , and it is unlikely that anyone would question your reasoning ; but if he should be bold enough to do so , you could easily silence him by calling him a Christian dog . ’
3 It is the kind of ‘ big ’ development that is very out of fashion with the money men at present , and it is unlikely that we will be seeing anything on this scale started in the next few years .
4 In a public or university library which does not have subject specialists on its staff — or even in those that do — this places an intolerably heavy burden of responsibility on the individual 's judgement , and it is unlikely that any one person called upon to make weeding decisions over a spectrum of subject fields will on the basis of judgement alone achieve a consistent rate of ‘ correct ’ decision making .
5 To give a full description of even a simple evening out at the theatre could cover numerous pages , and it is unlikely that the writer has the time or wish to do this .
6 Poisoning Treatment Centres may have a special advantage ( Kreitman 1980 ) , but only one such centre currently exists and it is unlikely that more will be developed in the near future .
7 The signs are that God is blessing these initiatives with his presence and his Spirit and it is unlikely that the growth of the Vineyard in Britain will stop there .
8 The last remark is odd : her half-brother Charles certainly killed himself by jumping off a bridge , and it is unlikely that the deaths of her sisters ‘ Topsy ’ and ‘ Baby ’ were due to an accidental overdose of veronal .
9 Learners , for instance , may not be held accountable , because accountability implies knowledge , and it is unlikely that the learner will have acquired sufficient knowledge or have sufficient practical experience on which to base the assessment of the care given .
10 The alternatives will simply be absent from the record , and it is unlikely that anyone , except as the most extreme perversity , would want to undertake them .
11 But they were still respectful to the Emperor ; as fellow-Muslims they were part of the group that had dominated India for centuries , and it is unlikely that he was nearly as worried by their attitude as he was by the threat of Persian invasions like the one that led to Delhi being captured and plundered in 1739 , or by the rebellious Marathas of western India , Hindu in religion and devoted to cavalry raids to plunder their neighbours .
12 Many of the Asian designers the US trade weekly talked to were worried about the 66MHz clock frequency , because at that speed , stray radiations become a serious problem and it is unlikely that garage operations are going to be able to knock up boards using the chip that will work .
13 A highly sensitive immunohistochemical technique was used ( avidin-biotin complex ) and it is unlikely that any improvement on the methodology would be worth while .
14 In conclusion , the law is very uncertain in this whole area and it is unlikely that an action against a third party tippee for insider dealing will be brought or succeed .
15 It may be possible to reduce or even eliminate this effect by ’ filtering ’ the definitions in the manner described earlier , but the pattern is extremely persistent ( almost every word investigated exhibited a descent into generality ) and it is unlikely that the filtering process could substantially alter this trend .
16 The spoken word is a different skill than the written one and it is unlikely that a press release will be used as it stands .
17 Panorpa communis , for example , has been recorded to fly at only 0.5 metres per second whereas Aeshna mixta can move at 7 metres per second and it is unlikely that any insect exceeds about twice this velocity .
18 The vernacular rules predict that dabble will be subject to backing — certainly not front-raising — and it is unlikely that this speaker is following the highly recessive rule for front-raising after velars in the item castle ( this has been largely abandoned by younger low-status speakers ) .
19 Of course few people possess sufficient evidence to argue strongly for the extreme poles of the personal/institutional development issue , and it is unlikely that even Stenhouse or Hoyle would have denied that there is a middle ground which acknowledges the interaction of the system and the individual .
20 There are now more parents either one or both of whom will have higher qualifications and it is unlikely that parents with higher qualifications will desire less education for their children .
21 After the death of Glanville , Benedict de Sanctum succeeded to the see of Rochester , the interdict having been removed from the Kingdom , but within a year King John was besieging Rochester Castle , the surrounding countryside was looted , and it is unlikely that Halling , having a Palace of the Bishop would have escaped .
22 In 1598 , the estates reverted back to Maximilian Dalison , although it was not until 1601 , that he regained his full inheritance , and it is unlikely that he spent much on the maintenance of the buildings as it appears he was always short of cash .
23 Apart from anything else Okapi systems do not use machine readable cataloguing ( MARC ) files , and it is unlikely that a MARC tape conversion program will be supplied .
24 This may be viewed as a transition matrix mapping pre-tax income positions into post-tax positions ( Atkinson , 1979 ) , and it is unlikely that this matrix is diagonal .
25 Conversation between persons depends in large measure on presuppositions each participant has of the other 's mental state and it is unlikely that the same presuppositions will influence conversation with a computer system .
26 However , it is not clear that such memories are completely accurate and it is unlikely that arousal at the time of encoding is the only important factor in creating such memories .
27 However , there has been no resulting legislation along these lines and it is unlikely that such action will be taken in the foreseeable future .
28 The analogy with a mechanical process no longer rings true and it is unlikely that this case will be followed .
29 This principle now has statutory approval in s1(2) and it is unlikely that courts will agree to adjourn care proceedings unless there are particularly compelling arguments for allowing the criminal trial to proceed first .
30 However , the reformulation appeals to theoretical notions which the authors discuss in the first chapter of the book , and it is unlikely that what was said about mutual cognitive environments in the first chapter is accessible for use for the interpretation of a passage about style in the final chapter .
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