Example sentences of "and [pers pn] fell [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Sat down and I fell through the whole of the chair .
2 Another mountain of water came , pushed me up the beach , and I fell on the wet sand .
3 I taught her a new move and she practised it on me but she missed and got me in the and I fell on the ground .
4 I came into the room and it was full of smoke … and I fell over the mat … and no one noticed … and switched on the light … and the party was in full swing .
5 When I went up to investigate it the floor caved in beneath me and I fell into the middle of all those nasty plants . ’
6 Half an hour later , the book slipped out of her hand and she fell into the first of the night 's uneasy periods of slumber .
7 Nils shoved her hard and she fell into the deep satin embrace of a sofa .
8 He hit her hard across the head and she fell to the ground crying loudly .
9 Barbara 's foot skidded and she fell to the floor in the ‘ corridor ’ between the hessian screens .
10 He pushed her away , and she fell to the floor and lay there like a broken bird .
11 As she ran down the driveway of the semi-detached house , a shot was fired from an upstairs front bedroom and she fell to the ground .
12 And she fell on the
13 There was a ripping sound and she fell against the counter .
14 And then , of course , Jill Yate knew very little about retailing or the fashion industry ; until a year before , her main interests had been rock and roll and the Beatles , and she fell upon the job at ‘ Laura Ashley ’ as representing part of the faded Sixties pop culture she loved .
15 The train joggled and they fell on the seat , clasped together .
16 I struck him down , ’ moaned Jerome , ‘ and he fell across the path , and the cowl fell back from his head .
17 And the woman lost her brooch on the way back and she saw this man next morning , he was a policeman in , and he he was too fond of the drink , a and he he was on , he was a railway policeman , and he fell onto the rails , when the train was coming , nobody knows how he how he how he er he lost one arm er about there and the other one about there , both arms but he he survived it .
18 The stool he was standing on broke and he fell to the ground .
19 But the other merely advanced , and when he came up , put out a hand to touch the lady , whereupon our hero struck with all his might at his heart , and the glass splinter entered deeply and he fell to the ground .
20 Garty 's legs collapsed and he fell to the ground , a twitching moaning heap .
21 ‘ They bowled , Fred hit it — and he fell to the ground . ’
22 It hit poor Tom between the shoulders , and he fell to the ground with a cry .
23 A window fell on his fingers and he fell to the ground .
24 The crowd poured on , and over him , and he fell beneath the flood .
25 I was bringing my own but I put it in the wrong pocket of my coat and it fell through the lining and smashed . "
26 The dress slipped to her narrow hips where it remained supported by his hands , until he raised them and it fell to the floor and her body gleamed naked .
27 It gave a last deep cry , its teeth closed on the empty air , and it fell to the ground .
28 She picked it up , misjudged its weight and it fell to the floor with a thud .
29 She 'd snatched it away , and it fell on the kitchen floor , where blood had trickled from its beak .
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