Example sentences of "and [adj] context [prep] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Since the decision of the nineteen seventy eight congress to appoint national and regional health and safety officers the legal and political context within which they operate has changed dramatically with more legila legislation .
2 The legal and political context within which they operate has changed dramatically with more legilay legislation .
3 Aronson sees Sartre 's turn to the cause of resisting colonial oppression as an act of ‘ self-flagellation ’ and a product of politico-theoretical despair , but this passes over the historical and political context in which Sartre , and Les Temps modernes , played a leading role in the opposition to the Algerian war .
4 It seems fatuous to condemn companies like this for functioning as they must in the industrial and political context in which they find themselves .
5 This is partly because of a number of important changes that have taken place in the scale of the protest , the targets against which it has been directed , and the tactics that have been employed , but particularly because of some fundamental changes in the broader political social and economic context in which the protest is now taking place .
6 If we examine these statistics critically and the social and economic context in which changes in the age structure of Britain are likely to occur in the future , we can dispel much of that gloom .
7 Legal and economic context in which this takes place and of the impact of these changes on the scientific community as a whole and on the individual laboratory workers ' culture and practice .
8 The languages they use and the social and historical context in which these languages signify are indirect and direct revelations of that power and its limitations .
9 Knowledge is not adequately described by epistemology because all knowledge is relational to the social and historical context in which it is generated and used .
10 However , the relevance of these technical , physical and economic problems to development is discussed infinitely more frequently than the political and social context in which they are found .
11 Similarly , their moral careers need placing in the context of their class position in employment , as well as in the physical and social context in which they live .
12 So , although we have an element of choice over our actions , these are circumscribed by virtue of biology , features of our personality and by the social and cultural context into which we are born .
13 The political , ideological and cultural context in which each novel was produced will be at the forefront of the textual analysis in Chapter 7 .
14 Colquhoun also notes the impossibility of abstracting some ‘ arbitrary ’ meaning outside of the spatial and functional context within which the materials of buildings operate , underlining particular differences such as the reliance of architecture upon self-referential and ‘ traditional ’ modes for its meaning ; in other words , its historicism .
15 We are convinced that the best way for works of art to communicate to the public is for those works to have the most beautiful and natural context in which to be shown .
16 Advertisers form part of the competitive commercial and capitalist context within which media operate , and their decisions reflect that context .
17 In the case of the Yugoslavian system of self-management , any notions of possible imitation would need to take account of the specific ideological and socio-political context in which the Yugoslav experiment took place because
18 Wilson provides a study which examines not only ( as is often the case ) the lauda repertory of these companies , but also the devotional and socio-political context in which this lauda-singing took place .
19 We have analysed processes behind this construction by examining the publications of academic , governmental and other public bodies , and of the mass media , remembering the cultural , political , and ideological context in which they were produced .
20 The example is used , like those in other mathematical textbooks , to present ‘ interest ’ outside the political and ideological context within which investment takes place .
21 She criticizes John for having accepted too readily the standards of the day and for having adapted too easily to the social and literary context in which he found himself :
22 In the first three sections of this chapter we will outline the legal framework and organizational context in which each set of decisions is taken , and will also say something about the decision-makers themselves .
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