Example sentences of "and [prep] need [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This distinction was handled by asking respondents to rate each of two hundred features of the Modular Course and its institutional context , both for importance and for need for change .
2 CRAZY , SENSITIVE FEMALE , 20 , with wicked sense of fun , is lonely and in need of friends- Into Kate Bush , Eurythmics , Marilyn Monroe , James Dean , Mickey Rourke , French and Saunders .
3 When dealing with those adversely affected by the occult and in need of deliverance , the ouija board is one constantly arising factor in their sad histories .
4 The works were very much dilapidated and in need of capital injection .
5 Away from home , perhaps for the first time , intellectually challenged , in financial difficulty and in need of support , a student could find her or himself easy prey for a potentially abusing lecturer .
6 His horse , formerly a destrier of statuesque proportions , had become a spindly nag beneath him , undernourished , and in need of corn .
7 He was a workaholic and he knew his body was run down and in need of rest .
8 Ironically , the one area in which Vogts had no criticism to make concerned the Ibrox pitch that has recently looked as battered and in need of rest as any Rangers player .
9 ‘ Jeez , how on earth d' ya take a bath and how is your love life ’ were presumably part of the empathy process from Gerry and his audience almost comatose with voyeurism and in need of splints for drop-jaw .
10 Some people faithfully hang on to their problem , sabotaging help when unconsciously they experience their partner as more vulnerable than themselves and in need of protection .
11 Or being in some way fragile and in need of protection .
12 But whereas middle class women were described as physiologically weak and in need of treatment , working class women were considered physiologically strong and potentially polluting .
13 The minarets of Al-Hakkim of Bi-biralahi are both in poor condition and in need of repair .
14 In Illich 's view , such treatment ‘ is but a device to convince those who are sick and tired of society that it is they who are ill , impotent and in need of repair ’ .
15 Here too he also saw the opening for what he called eristics , a kind of ‘ polemical apologetics ’ in which the Christian understanding of human life as marked by sin and in need of grace could engage in controversial dialogue with other views in order to clarify the difference made by the message of the gospel .
16 So , while the GLC estimates that there are almost one million houses in London that are more than 70 years old and in need of modernisation , councils are having to give top priority to repairing more modern buildings .
17 The biological factor is the length of time that the human child is dependent and helpless and in need of attention from parents .
18 His association with the New English Weekly was of great value , and lent considerable prestige , to that minority journal , because some of those connected with it were decidedly eccentric , unpractical and in need of guidance .
19 They can feel criticized , even stigmatized , and in need of group support .
20 They were really feeling like prisoners and in need of consolation .
21 In addition , some of the paper is fragile and in need of conservation .
22 Some parts of the connection are old and in need of review .
23 The whole procedure by 1988 was officially seen as no longer dealing adequately with the issues , as inflexible , slow , costly and in need of review ( see Department of Trade and Industry 1988c ) .
24 It 's not a typical American town , not one of those low modern places with chrome and neon and glass ; the Alamo City is beat-up , chewed at the edges and in need of paint .
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