Example sentences of "and [pron] have gone [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He 'll have the sinner box and everyone 's gone upstairs and have their bit of nooky , they can all come down and confess to him !
2 way round , I shove everything to one side of the desk and everyone 's gone home and then I start working .
3 I 'd have dithered and I 'd have got tired and I 'd gone off of
4 I 'd dithered , and I 'd got tired and I 'd gone off and been
5 Me , I I mean , I 've done I 've done no work today because I went out to collect some stuff of a friend this morning and by the time I came in it was quarter past ten and I 'd gone out at ten to nine so I 'd missed the schools
6 Pat : He was six months old and I 'd gone down for his second immunisation and I mean the doctor I went to see was a family doctor — I 've known him since I was a baby — and he just , he was looking at him and he just said , ‘ Is your husband Chinese ? ’
7 Er , I 've had a word with Jeremy about decorating , oh Florrie I must apologise I did try to ring you , I think I managed to get everybody else , erm but you were n't there , in and then I , I left it I regret to say , erm but we thought perhaps we ought to have the kitchen re-decorated and I 've had a word with Jereminy , Jereminy , Jeremy and he says about two hundred pounds and I did get permission from some of you and I 've gone ahead and asked him to do it and he said about three weeks , but before we can have that done , in the meantime , the roof leaked again out in the kitchen Erm , so I 've had a word with Peter who was going on holiday and he should be home this week and he said he will look at it as soon as he 's home , so I 'll give him a ring , I 'll try tomorrow night , I 'm out tonight , I 'll try and give him a ring tomorrow .
8 ‘ Because New York were giving me hell about employing you and I 've gone out on a limb .
9 Yes , Aunt Sarah , and since then I 've remembered my mother 's name , and the spell she put on me when I was a baby ; and I 've gone down to see her in her Castle under the sea …
10 I done them and then I 've took them down and I 've gone back .
11 Joanne had handled the set-up of the press conference in Glasgow and I had gone on to Newcastle Airport to meet the plane there .
12 ‘ Close them , ’ she had cried , ‘ you 'll let in the dust ’ , and I had gone down to drink citron pressé with her in the shade .
13 A company launched on the stock market almost exactly at the top of the market in the summer of 1987 — and which has gone steadily down ever since , as the graph illustrates .
14 So you 're quite happy with that , one hundred , two hundred , three hundred , four hundred , five hundred , six hundred oh I can do this standing on my head , right and you s you stop concentrating so much , and you 've gone up to , so that should be a seven hundred
15 You can have one quick move and if it 's a false one well er you made a bad mistake and you 've gone back about er whatsit and I think 's done exactly the same here he 's sacked us and he 's put himself in er in er queer corner s like a game of draughts you know and he 's trying all roads to come out of it .
16 Brahms took about fifteen years to complete his First Symphony , and when it was first performed in 1876 , he was 43 — an extraordinary late symphonic debut for a composer who had been publicly proclaimed as a genius by Schumann when he was 18 , and who had gone on to justify public expectations with such works as the ‘ German Requiem ’ , which had given him financial security for life .
17 Dad was different ; he had not been the same since that night Alice was out and she had gone downstairs and watched him working on his book .
18 Her social life seemed to be quite full , and she had gone out with a young man on a couple of occasions .
19 I suppose what 's happened is this : he has gone on staring out of the window , thinking , and she has gone on staring at him , waiting , with such absorption that neither of them noticed the tape had run out .
20 She took you in , and she 's gone on taking you in .
21 And erm , so of course , she 's , you know , not been well for a couple of weeks and she 's gone down from nine four , to seven stone .
22 Erm it 's tha then getting towards and she 's gone down and done the horses he sh he said it 's then getting to Harriet 's bed time so she baths her all sorts her out and he said well she does work hard , he said and by the end of that she she wo n't be able to do anything else !
23 I put her on her back and she 's gone back to sleep .
24 she said it 's hard enough for people with jobs to exist today without all this and she 's gone back to college on the flexi idea , erm , brush up her typing because she said , now whether she 's thinking of future years , she said when she left here that time , although she got that job she said it was n't easy , she said because I had no bits of paper as such , although when I did the test I passed it , she said it was n't simple , so she 's doing
25 THERE we were , an hour into our journey for lunch , and we had gone about four miles .
26 The Mendip Television mast had arrived and we 'd gone over to colour .
27 Erm , parent involvement , there is no mention in this report about parent involvement , and I think this is absolutely essential that the , it 's often the families who are poor parenting , because they 've been poor parent people , and you have succession , and we 've gone somewhere along the line , we 've got to go down that road .
28 I mean these people have had a pay freeze since November nineteen ninety and these grievances were as a result of a new pay structure last year that actually worsened the terms and conditions since nineteen ninety , but till then we 've been making steady progress in getting better improvements and we 've gone backwards .
29 Now then er regular listeners will know that over the last couple of years or so we 've done some special listener trips for you er and we 've gone down to London .
30 The pathology lab 288 had kicked off with the first of the parties , and everything had gone pretty well although nobody had wanted to touch the sandwiches .
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