Example sentences of "and [noun] caused [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If it had not been for the difficulties and bruises caused by the recession , I have no doubt there would be an increased majority for the Conservative Party , ’ he said .
2 But more serious was the alarm and despondency caused by the 1929–33 slump in which the confidence of British industrialists , already sapped by the doldrums of the 1920s , was seriously shaken .
3 Reports of takeover ‘ conflicts ’ are widely publicised and provoke considerable debate on the gains and losses caused by the takeover .
4 The chaos and confusion caused by the conjuring vanished reduced the thousand and one permutations to the famous three — John Innes Number One , and brothers Two & Three .
5 If punishment does indeed reduce the future incidence of crime , then the pain and unhappiness caused to the offender may be outweighed by the avoidance of unpleasantness to other people in the future — thus making punishment morally right from a utilitarian point of view .
6 Carrick has long stopped hoping , calculating that age and immobility caused by a few excess pounds count against him .
7 However , there are also genuine grounds for the move towards abolition : the fact that some companies are virtually unauditable , especially those cash businesses under the control of a powerful sole proprietor ; the withdrawal of the Example 6 audit certificate , which gave the auditor some protection ; problems with PII cover where the level of small company audits was considered dis-proportionate ; clients ' complaints at the cost and disruption caused by the audit ; examples of overseas jurisdictions where audit is not mandatory ; and the general feeling among auditing firms that the small company audit risk/reward factors are out of balance .
8 The most common are phenylketonuria , which is a deficiency of the enzyme which converts amino-acids , and disorders caused by the inability of enzymes to cope with carbohydrates .
9 This is not a sentimental journey in quest of ways and means of making life easier for the offender , but a realistic attempt to tackle the economic problem of saving the community from the losses and suffering caused by the anti-social activities of criminals .
10 As early as 1917 Roxburgh demonstrated that many municipal legal systems had developed devices to avoid the restrictions and inconveniences caused by a rigid adherence to the analogous rule that contracts bind only parties to them , a process that continues .
11 ‘ I could certainly go a mug of hot tea , ’ I thought , as I examined my lumps and bumps caused by the ever-persistent mosquitoes .
12 The pain and deprivation caused by the loss of the personal heritage of home , cherished street or familiar surroundings has been cruelly underestimated .
13 It is surprising how long this kind of grudge can be remembered , perhaps because the occasion is inextricably mixed with feelings of loss and deprivation caused by the parent 's death .
14 There has been alarm at the growing congestion and pollution caused by the rapid growth in car use .
15 The noise and nuisance caused by a decision to keep working on the building on Sundays was also a source of neighbourly discontent .
16 Councillors said the money would go towards the distress and disturbance caused by a move .
17 In the case of many of Freud 's patients the disruption and debilitation caused by the symptoms was so extreme that they were scarcely able to carry on their lives adequately at all .
18 Many schools have been destroyed or the students have fled , and these areas suffer from severe shortages of funds , bureaucratic inefficiencies and the difficulties of transport and communications caused by the war .
19 She was gradually becoming conscious of aches and pains caused by the long , tiring flight and the horrendously bumpy drive from the airport to Marigot Bay .
20 WHY WAS so much noise and trouble caused over the poll tax ?
21 Apparently complete abatement of the odour has been achieved and other nuisances such as flies and vermin caused by the burial of the waste eradicated .
22 While it was obviously impossible to claim that literary art still sprang from the general community , this could be accounted for by the gulf between literature and life caused by the processes of industrialization .
23 The grief , hardship and devastation caused by the slaughter policy was bad enough .
24 The alternating sunlight and shade caused by the overhanging trees started his eye twitching .
25 The costs associated with collaboration include : i Where national bureaucracies are involved there are delays in procedures and high transaction costs ; ii Generally inefficiencies arise through the work share arrangements , duplicated administrative costs and delays caused by the need to harmonise requirements and delivery schedules .
26 The wife also claimed damages for mental stress , vexation and strain caused by the defendants ' negligence .
27 Figures purporting to show the amount of radiation in a given place failed to distinguish between natural , background radiation and radiation caused by the accident .
28 We may pray in particular that communities will survive and flourish and that the anger and depression caused by the announcements will be healed .
29 Ponds can be watched for reflections on still water , sunlight sparkling and ripples caused by the wind .
30 Over the years there have been innumerable accidents and incidents caused by the airbrakes opening in flight .
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