Example sentences of "and [verb] straight [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He feels tired and goes straight to bed .
2 At nightfall he mounted and rode straight for Poitou , pausing only to send an envoy to his father with the message that he would never allow anyone to take his place as Duke of Aquitaine .
3 He turned and rode straight at Richard .
4 Petion and Ace followed him , arriving just as he threw open the door of a spartan room with expensive mahogany flooring , and bumped straight into Dubois , who was backing towards them while scattering something on the floor .
5 Lessingham ignored Mair and moved straight to Alice .
6 ‘ He had a shower , changed , leaped on to a train and came straight to London for a 3pm charity gathering .
7 He jumped from the cart and came straight to Den .
8 Get out of the chateau , steal a horse and ride straight to Calais ? ’
9 The pencil light spun around , raked up the stairs , and speared straight into Carson 's eyes .
10 Stella came up the street with Geoffrey and walked straight past O'Hara .
11 She turned and walked straight into Damian Flint 's hard chest .
12 Laughing still , he swept two men aside like straw wisps , took a gash in his left arm without noticing it , and sprang straight at Hector , axe raised to strike .
13 All you had to do was drive off the ferry , find the main road , and drive straight to Dublin .
14 He was in Iceland , fishing with friends , when he heard the news and flew straight to Windsor Castle , to a father who was still unable to help .
15 I got an elbow in the face as I went up for a header and I remember putting my head down and running straight into Bull 's back .
16 He had been talking to a tall girl with white-blonde hair , but suddenly he turned his head slightly and looked straight at Maria , and every muscle in her body clenched in furious , shocked resistance .
17 Connors paused momentarily and looked straight at Delaney , before he continued .
18 She swallowed hard and looked straight at Charlotte .
19 At that moment Dana raised her head and looked straight at Claudia .
20 Madame Gebrec raised her head and looked straight at Melissa .
21 He stopped outside the kitchen door and carefully cracked it open a fraction — and looked straight into Jane 's wide eyes .
22 Gabriel turned and looked straight into Lucie 's green-stained face glistening with grease ; a leather forked tongue was clenched between his teeth , and his black hair was slicked down with water in front of the green knitted hood .
23 St John 's face looked sterner than usual and his lip curled in disapproval , as he lifted his handsome head and looked straight into Miss Oliver 's laughing eyes .
24 but Reggie , Reggie will come in and go straight to bed , he 's been up since about quarter to four
25 His two brothers both died with smallpox cos one was , they all three went to Wolverhampton Grammar School and they were a Wednesbury family and they died with the smallpox but I thought they were putting the youngest which was my grandfather for the best trai one was going in for law and the other was going in for medicine , and the youngest was go which was the same as engineering is today I suppose , and he went into the gun trade , and I can remember him , he was a grand old chap and er he used to come and bring the springs that he 'd made and to temper them he used to throw them in the kitchen fire , and they 'd die out and get them all out of the ashes in the morning , and he used to take his week 's work in his waistcoat pockets and his day out was to get on the tram at the Brown Lion , and go straight through Wednesbury and right through West Bromwich up to the Constitutional in Birmingham to Greeners or Wembley and Scotts and he 'd got these gun locks as he 'd made during the week in his waistcoat pockets .
26 Can we come back at two and go straight into matter C , major exceptions .
27 Instead of completing her college course , she would draw on the money her English grandmother had left her and go straight into business for herself .
28 If so , ’ his voice thickened , ‘ let's go back to the hotel and go straight to bed ! ’
29 so he 'll , he 'll go straight , more or less down , have his tea and go straight to bed , so I 've got to go home and cook this
30 Why do n't we abandon the original plan and go straight to Debenham and Freebody , as we 're so close .
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