Example sentences of "and [verb] by central [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Film makers from Television Trust for the Environment will be producing the TV documentary on the " greenhouse effect " , to be launched at the same time as the book and shown by Central TV .
2 Indeed it is doubtful if one group can even be called local , since it is sponsored , promoted and financed by central government .
3 Nevertheless , these reflections of local interests and relationships are , particularly in Britain , being increasingly overseen and overruled by central government .
4 The Nazi regime made a travesty of welfare and of youth policy and subjected every conceivable aspect to ideological purposes and to control by central government even where private organizations were allowed to continue operating .
5 Simple form , lean staff : effective and successful organisations have simple management structures , i.e. autonomous teams focused and co-ordinated by central management which is not disproportionately top-heavy .
6 The soldiers would then be housed in barracks and funded by central government .
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