Example sentences of "of service to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I regard the whole idea of privatising the NHS as quite daft - impossible in a universal service offering the full range of service to every citizen of all ages and states of health without any of them having to pay for their medical treatment . ’
2 The demands made by the rebels provide the clearest guide to their grievances , and according to the Anonimalle Chronicle those put forward by the Essex men at Mile End on 14 June were that they should be allowed to seize and punish traitors , and that no man should be made a serf nor do homage or any type of service to a lord in return for land ; instead they should hold it at a rent of 4d. an acre .
3 The basic salary in 1989 was £5,500 per annum , rising by £500 per annum for every year of service to a maximum of £8,500 .
4 We think it is going to achieve two key improvements in the house transfer process : It will speed things up and will improve the standards of service to the customer .
5 It is clear that the quality of service to the Customer has also disimproved because of inadequate staffing .
6 We all want good quality of service to the customer because then we all benefit . ’
7 Dawn Roberts , tourism officer , said : ‘ It applies to all businesses throughout the borough , not just those in tourism , but all those who wish to maintain a good level of service to the customer .
8 In any case , the career patterns of service to the State and the rapid fragmentation of noble estates , divided among several heirs , continued to deprive them of strong local ties comparable with those of British and French noblemen .
9 Junior military officers played an important part in orchestrating rural opposition within a movement which , in reasserting the ideal of service to the state , took on an anti-capitalist tone .
10 It is nevertheless of interest to look at one approach to such problems , since this area of research demonstrates , perhaps as well as any , how a close liaison between mathematics and computer science can be of service to the museum archaeologist .
11 George Herbert was a member of a family which had come over with William the Conqueror and had a long tradition of service to the Crown .
12 Many of its members , particularly within the duchy of Lancaster , were men with a tradition of service to the crown , compared with which their Woodville connection was only transient .
13 Gloucester 's position as sole surviving brother of the king , coupled with his outstanding record of service to the crown , would have made it impossible to pass him over , even in a society aware of the dangers which guardianship by a paternal uncle posed to the interests of the heir .
14 Audley senior was a minor baron , with lands in Gloucestershire as well as Oxfordshire and a long record of service to the Crown .
15 Many of its members , particularly within the duchy of Lancaster , were men with a tradition of service to the crown , compared with which their Woodville connection was only transient .
16 Gloucester 's position as sole surviving brother of the king , coupled with his outstanding record of service to the crown , would have made it impossible to pass him over , even in a society aware of the dangers which guardianship by a paternal uncle posed to the interests of the heir .
17 Reading Mary Bailey 's article this month , which is both a celebration of seven years of service to the hobby , and a cry from the heart to help her to help you , I thought it was time I promoted , explained and outlined our superb readers ' query service .
18 THREE MOTHERS , Mrs Mary McKeown , Mrs Nellie Andrews and Mrs Eileen Ashworth were presented with certificates by Bishop Gray for reaching 50 of service to the Union of Catholic Mothers , at the celebrations of the diamond jubilee of the Holy Cross Foundation , Birkenhead .
19 I should like to thank Edward and Peter for their years of service to the Diocese and to wish them a long and happy retirement .
20 Before the meeting they celebrated the 70th birthday of churchwarden Rosemary Paxton and to mark the occasion and her many years of service to the church presented her with a basket of flowers .
21 MORE than 30 years of service to the Order of St John medical service will be rewarded for one of the Order 's most senior doctors in County Durham .
22 Past members of who gave more than 25 years of service to the council may be considered for the title .
23 The Lord Chancellor said that the new conveyancing scheme , ‘ seems to me to show what the Law Society can do by way of setting appropriate standards of service to the public .
24 We will complete the massive investment in new technology — Europe 's biggest computerisation project — that has made it possible to raise the quality of service to the public .
25 This is a good time to be thinking strategically and finding new ways for our skills to be of service to the public .
26 More effective discharge of operational functions and higher quality of service to the public
27 Contracting work out to private suppliers may reduce costs to a public agency which nevertheless controls the standard of service to the public through the mechanisms of competitive bidding .
28 Based at Milton Keynes , it 's the country 's largest distribution company , but the move has been condemned as undermining more than a hundred years of service to the public .
29 Among the new Visitors was Mr. Richard Sykes , of Edgeley , beginning a family tradition of service to the School which was to last over a century .
30 Leonard Coote , President has a record of service to the Association extending back in excess of 30 years when he was first elected a branch representative .
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