Example sentences of "of the corner [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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31 Out of the corner of her eye , Meredith saw Lucenzo fold his arms , and she felt the tension in his body transfer to hers .
32 Deana watched both him and Belinda out of the corner of her eye .
33 Out of the corner of her eye , Belinda saw that his glance took in both of them , but she said nothing .
34 Out of the corner of her eye , she saw that Richard Blake was on the move again , and inwardly she groaned .
35 She gave him a quick look out of the corner of her eyes .
36 Out of the corner of her eye , she saw the casual intimacy as Luke bent to say something to the girl , felt the cruel , jealous twist in her body , as she saw his mouth meeting hers in a lazy kiss .
37 She knew me to be a rogue as soon as she clapped eyes on me and , whilst her father ushered me to a seat , she watched girlishly out of the corner of her eye .
38 Everywhere she went in the flat , she seemed to catch sight of it out of the corner of her eye .
39 She saw Sarah nod agreement out of the corner of her eye .
40 Out of the corner of her eye she saw angry movement .
41 Out of the corner of her eye she looked , though , to see if her father was angry at the idea of a mere woman knowing the Words .
42 Out of the corner of her eye , she could see Jamie in conversation with two people she did n't recognize .
43 Watching Jamie out of the corner of her eye while she poured whisky for both of them , she reflected that it was all going very well .
44 Out of the corner of her mouth — and she did it with great flair — Sorrel said :
45 I mean there was a classic case a couple of years ago of a lady who was pushing a baby in a pram across a zebra crossing and as she was half way across out of the corner of her eye she saw a truck thundering towards her which was quite clearly was n't going to stop and that you know a sort of fairly anxious situation , and she froze .
46 Out of the corner of her eye Sarella noticed Peter glance nervously at his watch .
47 Out of the corner of her eye she saw that David had dived below the surface .
48 As they moved round , the pace quickening , out of the corner of her eye Rachel saw a little group clustered round the dodgems and Jimmy and Danny climbing into one of the cars , while on the grass below the carousel Sybil stood with the others watching and waving as they whirled past .
49 Out of the corner of her eye , she caught the fact that they were being stared at with unveiled interest by most members of the group , the most curious of all , of course , being Mandy .
50 ‘ Take over , ’ she ordered , watching him out of the corner of her eye .
51 She saw Nicolo watching them out of the corner of her eye .
52 Out of the corner of her eye she could see the rise and fall of his chest , and closed her eyes against a pull on her senses that set her heart tripping .
53 Out of the corner of her eye she watched Travis unroll the sleeping-bag and sit down to remove his boots .
54 Out of the corner of her eye she was watching Gabriel .
55 As she stared , she saw out of the corner of her eye a perfectly constructed foil dream .
56 People see advertisements out of the corner of their eye as they drive along a road or look through a newspaper or magazine ; they catch a glimpse of half a TV commercial round their wives ' or husbands ' broad backsides as the biscuits are brought in during a commercial break .
57 Tessa and Mrs. Mounce , he knew , were watching her out of the corner of their eyes too , as silent and overawed as he was himself .
58 They zigzagged around tree trunks and saw the dark shapes scurrying along out of the corner of their eyes .
59 They glanced shyly at him out of the corner of their eyes and giggled , remembering his appeal of the night before .
60 Out of the corner of my eye I watched him wipe himself with Kleenex tissues and drop them on the floor , indifferent to the smears of blood on them .
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