Example sentences of "of the nature [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Dr Gerson became convinced that the treatment helped the body to heal itself , regardless of the nature of the disease .
2 Those who do might also be thought to be insincere , but some policemen showed real regret and disappointment when they were unable to provide the service they felt they should , whether because of the nature of the call or because of unrealistic public expectations ( such as finding lost budgies , preventing sheep-worrying , or reconciling warring spouses and quarrelsome neighbours ) .
3 This is explained in terms of the nature of the Germanic invasions which brought about the destruction of the Roman Empire and is dealt with in Chapters 7 and 8 .
4 In this matter of the nature of the gens ( descent group ) further research has actually proved both sides of the controversy right .
5 This ‘ separation from ’ approach is the root of such destructiveness because it is of the nature of the ‘ outsider ’ not to care .
6 When he lifted his eyes towards her again he thought he was safe to continue his stare , thought she was still unaware of the nature of the examination .
7 A more general problem results from the distortion of the nature of the alloy on the edge of the coin through the natural processes of corrosion and surface-enrichment .
8 Because of the nature of the sample this study could not ascertain the views of residents themselves .
9 One survey of the nature of the vaginal discharge in gonorrhoea demonstrated the wide spectrum covered .
10 Because of the nature of the problems dealt with by departments of genito-urinary medicine , the questions asked by the doctor at the interview tend to be of an intimate nature .
11 Natural selection favours some genes rather than others not because of the nature of the genes themselves , but because of their consequences — their phenotypic effects .
12 Ormrod J. , noting that this was ‘ the first occasion on which a Court in England has been called on to decide the sex of an individual ’ , felt constrained to find that ‘ legal relations can be classified into those in which the sex of the individuals concerned is either irrelevant , relevant or an essential determinant of the nature of the relationship . ’
13 ( Because of the nature of the subject matter of this programme , the BBC has agreed to the stipulation made by the wife of the patient that if ‘ The Check-out ’ is broadcast in the United States , any reference to the family name be deleted or changed .
14 The real problem here , because of the nature of the legal framework , is not so much a legal one as one of evidence .
15 This view depends on a radical misunderstanding of the nature of the imagination .
16 In some circumstances , because of the nature of the fault , this may not be possible , but in these cases we undertake to restore your supply within 72 hours .
17 Zone Defavorisee de montagne — mountain areas ( particularly Massif Central , Pyrenees and Alps ) where there are considerable limits on agriculture because of the nature of the terrain , climate and soils and because of restrictions on mechanisation .
18 In view of the nature of the job waiting for him , the buying of James came as a surprise to observers .
19 During training , particular attention should be paid to psychosocial assessment in view of the nature of the act and potential problems associated with it , such as risk of suicide , risk of repetition , and presence of psychiatric disorder .
20 This would be serious enough , but because of the nature of the material with which the industry works , the pits and the spoil heaps are very conspicuous .
21 Given that private study is still appropriate in view of the nature of the work , and that geographical isolation puts some members at a disadvantage , monitored attendance may not be the fairest form of assessment .
22 Pushing my bike up those long hills and dry valleys gave me an intimate understanding of the nature of the chalk landscape .
23 What follows from this is alienation from our fellow men because of our lack of knowledge of the nature of the true Self in others .
24 In September 1979 the Screamers , a female-dominated community living off the coast of Donegal , became aware of the nature of the prospecting going on in Donegal : IBM had claimed that month that it had encountered ‘ encouraging evidence of uranium ’ in Donegal .
25 Not only that , but , because of the nature of the work , I had to be 100 per cent alert and ready for any type of trouble from the moment I turned up .
26 Each begins with a consideration of the nature of the area being discussed on the basis that greater understanding of the nature and origin of the problems of old age , dispelling some of the myths surrounding them , can help the counsellor in his task , and help the counsellee to prevent some of the more avoidable pitfalls of ageing .
27 Because of the nature of the terrain — the land rocky and barren , the coastline highly indented — villages which appear to be close on the map can often be as far as 30 miles apart by winding road .
28 The college can not condone any behaviour that involves illicit drugs because of the nature of the students ' work with children .
29 However , Jerrome 's findings do not refer at all to ‘ tending ’ activities ; the importance of friends in old age seems to be more about a natural extension of satisfying experiences and modes of behaviour in earlier years than about a changed conception of the nature of the relationship which could accommodate more ‘ caring ’ activity .
30 It is thought that this represents a very real social phenomenon , either because of the nature of the settlement or because it was a general policy to dispose of rubbish away from the settlements , perhaps as manure in the fields , and is clearly not the product of poor preservation as has tended to be assumed ( Astill and Lobb 1982 , p. 140 ) .
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