Example sentences of "of the form of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the forms of publicity through print discussed in the first section of this chapter were taken up by the West Indians .
2 While both tuned and untuned percussion instruments can be used in many of the forms of accompaniment already mentioned , as part of an ensemble or orchestra , those of indefinite pitch such as cymbals , gongs , and drums need special mention because they can be used alone , without using other conventional instruments .
3 This is followed by a brief and selective representation of the forms of racism identified within the education system .
4 Although it would be possible to pursue the question of history in terms of such analyses of the forms of historicity , such an enquiry would take us on a very different path from that prompted by our original question , namely if poststructuralism can apparently be faulted by reference to a history which it neglects , where in Marxism can this history be found ?
5 ( For a description of the forms of inspection that currently exist see Day and Klein , 1990 . )
6 Both , however , suggest that the ‘ set ’ towards the message leads to a renewed perception of reality , by generating a renewed awareness of the forms of signification in which reality is articulated .
7 I believe one of the forms of philander does occur in the Rift Valley , but it is not nichollsi .
8 Several of the legislative changes during or around the 1960s are viewed by them as being ‘ permissive ’ and as therefore sanctioning many of the forms of behaviour to which they object .
9 One of the forms of regression was inflation :
10 Bourdieu scores some penetrating insights into legal practice in his consideration of the forms of autonomy of the juridical field .
11 A typology of the forms of cremation vessels has been produced by Myres ( 1969 ; 1977 ) and a simplified version by Hurst ( 1976 ) .
12 Self-conscious clarity about our epistemic methods , in that case , would require a perspicuous representation of the characteristics of the forms of discourse in question .
13 In an interview for L'Humanité published on 5 April Karmal rejected ‘ any plan aimed at the adoption of decisions in our stead ’ , including efforts ‘ to bind us to a so-called ‘ neutralisation ’ , which represents in fact only one of the forms of neo-colonialism ’ .
14 Once again , it is striking that these transformations , which include the development of many of the forms of marketing , design and distribution characteristic of mass production , occurred before the rise of machinery in this industry .
15 Massey 's schematic description of the forms of organization of capital in space , or more particularly of productive capital in space , is exceptionally useful , but its very utility means that her general account has to be qualified before it is employed .
16 Part-time workers who work only a very few hours do not benefit from many of the forms of employment protection introduced by legislation over the last decade or so , although those part-time workers who work at least half the usual hours are covered on some items .
17 A defendant engaging in such conduct would , of course , be liable if injury to the animals ensued but his liability would be in what was classified before the abolition of the forms of action as case rather than trespass .
18 Wales notes that great care is needed in making claims about the universality of the forms of children 's pictorial representation .
19 The reintroduction of the teaching of grammar does not mean that teachers need to neglect the subjective , creative , personal and expressive , for our ability to express ourselves depends on craft , and craft involves understanding of the forms of language .
20 How many community language teachers have a sensitivity to variation within their own language which does not result in a damaging negation of the forms of language which their pupils are bringing into the classroom ?
21 There has been progress in the integration of community languages into the mainstream curriculum but the progress is pitifully slow , with a number of factors compounding a lack of confidence amongst those campaigning for greater sensitivity towards and encouragement of the forms of language brought by pupils into British Schools .
22 The implication behind this hierarchy of the forms of absence in James is that secrets , ghosts and death are merely pale prefigurations of art as absent essence , and therefore that any significance they might have in the functioning of the tales derives from their status as anticipatory metaphors of art itself .
23 These then are features of species or subdivisions of them , by geography or sex for example , leading to a consideration of the form of organisms , so that differences in morphological features may reflect different lifestyles in closely related species , which can coexist .
24 With the development of the form of recklessness found in MPC v Caldwell [ 1982 ] AC 341 ( HL ) , which applies in this area ( Seymour [ 1983 ] 2 AC 493 ( HL ) ) there are now authorities to the effect that manslaughter by gross negligence has been totally swallowed up by reckless manslaughter : Kong Cheuk Kwan v R ( 1985 ) 82 Cr App R 18 ( PC ) and Goodfellow ( 1986 ) 83 Cr App R 23 ( CA ) .
25 To understand the primitive way of life , or the way of life of a society far removed from our own , it is necessary for us to extend our way of life into the orbit of the form of life of that society , rather than bring the form of life of that society into the orbit of our own .
26 In turn , those values are partly constitutive of the form of life held to be valuable by the adherents of the discipline .
27 What nobody seemed to notice was that the text of Article 23 , by referring to ‘ pre-trial discovery of documents as known in Common Law countries ’ , and especially in omitting the earlier reference to discovery between the parties , covered some types of the form of discovery known in the United States , which is far wider in its scope than that known in other Common Law countries .
28 Such attention to surface forms is also , of course , necessary for the researcher ; one aspect of the form of English I am using now , and of that used by Labov , Greenfield and Olson , is its attempt at explicitness .
29 It is much more important that the student is given an understanding of a conceptual structure , and is able to take up stances within it , to understand something of the fundamental debates taking place within it , to see the difference between sense and nonsense , and to stand back and form critical evaluations of the wider social role of the form of thought .
30 Indemnity insurance At the same time as applying for replacement of his practising certificate a solicitor must satisfy the Law Society ( by attaching to his application a copy of the form of evidence issued and stamped by London Insurance Brokers Ltd ) that he has complied with the provisions of the Solicitors ' Indemnity Rules 1991 or that he is exempt from so doing .
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