Example sentences of "of what [pron] [am/are] doing " in BNC.

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1 So we 're accustomed to the idea of what we 're doing .
2 ‘ It almost sounds as if we 're 58% in charge of what we 're doing .
3 The next stage of what we 're doing is trying to take things a stage further on to what action can you take for fair trade ?
4 While it 's still not a big weighty tome it gives a fuller picture of what we 're doing and where we 're going . ’
5 Of what we 're doing now .
6 I mean there 's a lot more we can do that is fairly profitable the and the whole object of what we 're doing here is to get people occupied you know
7 But th that of itself , necessitates evaluating the results of what we 're doing .
8 yeah ten for the left and ninety for the right and the reason we talked about this and the way that 's involved in communication is that we said well if there 's a lot more power or a lot more contribution to the design of what we 're doing of a spatial nature and that is how the the audience 's brain work more powerfully in the spatial nature let's present what we have let's design it and then deliver it as close to a spatial nature as we can okay .
9 Yeah but , cos the politicians are n't being made aware of what we 're doing
10 We have focus we have a direction we maintain the fiscal control we are aware of what we 're doing as a church we have the the members commitment indeed , we have their involvement in what we want to do .
11 Once we become aware of what we are doing , will we be able to go on being wasteful with our precious resources ?
12 And yet this awareness does not need to take any of our precious time ; it merely needs to become a part of what we are doing anyway .
13 By reducing the scope of the enquiry we make more certain the worth of what we are doing ( always assuming , of course , that the study itself is well conducted ) , and by describing carefully what we do we make it possible for other researchers to duplicate our own study or conduct a similar one with slightly different variables .
14 Crosby said : ‘ If I worry about what 's happening up the road , I 'll lose track of what we are doing here .
15 ‘ Every three months , the heads of department and managers sit in and discuss the benefits of what we are doing and how we can make improvements .
16 They become quite unconscious of what they are doing for a few seconds , and yet insist that they want to carry on and learn to fly .
17 The lawyers may not even be aware of what they are doing .
18 And it is the same attitude of world-weariness and sophistication that socializes each generation of students and new teachers into believing that their own blends of ill-formed idealism , intermittent enthusiasm and nagging doubt about the true value of what they are doing are merely the embarrassing stigmata of the beginner , to be covered up as much as possible , and grown out of as soon as possible .
19 We may identify people from a description of what they are doing : the woman who is chatting up the Admiral , the man who 's fixing the car , etc .
20 Thirdly , because of the constraints imposed not only by external factors but sometimes by the design problem itself , practitioners may engage in a complex set of trade-offs , rather than trying to optimize any one aspect of what they are doing .
21 Where employees have a rooted substantive knowledge of what they are doing , rather than one which is simply a certified mastery of some abstract occupational or analytical techniques , then the institutional conditions appear to be most appropriate for such an achievement .
22 Moreover , agents of the process may be genuinely unaware of what they are doing for as long as they see good professional practice as unitary , consensual and unproblematic .
23 But as an employer , she could be demandingly difficult , with an unyielding , steely core , possessed only by those with utter conviction in the rightness of what they are doing .
24 — How do students conceive of what they are doing when they program in PROLOG ?
25 ‘ It is not a case of very young children who have no chance to assess what they are doing and the consequences of what they are doing , ’ he said .
26 John CW Symon ( Points of View , today ) writes : ‘ It would seem obvious that young hooligans do not think of the consequences of their actions … quite likely they do not think of what they are doing as ‘ crime ’ at all …
27 When you 're on the outside , then you have a much better view of what they 're doing and whether they 're on or whether they 're not .
28 This enables you to comment on the content of what they 're doing .
29 In my experience this is one of the quickest and most effective ways of drawing children into the drama ; you are helping them to make sense of what they 're doing , you 're showing them clearly that what they 're doing matters .
30 Can I make the point that if you do n't get to the parents of kids kids , before the end of summer term you could be jeopardising the chances of what they 're doing in the SATS because if you get to the parent erm in the beginning of the spring term and say you know , Fred is not doing particularly well because of this the parents are then in a position to do something about it but if you actually tell them once , basically the stable doors closed what can
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