Example sentences of "of [noun sg] to [be] able " in BNC.

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1 So in order to have something that enables you to keep records of two or three hundred customers , and then of course to be able to print out some sort of lists or invoices at the end of it , you would need to pay , probably even now , a couple of thousand pounds , and very often of course more .
2 It needed a lot of experience to be able to hold it correctly so that all the twenty-five shots in the magazine riddled the target .
3 You see , there are people in the City who would pay a vast sum of money to be able to boast they had real rabbit at one of their dinners . ’
4 Must an item be able to fulfil all four functions of money to be able to be classed as money ?
5 But you 've got to have that peace of mind to be able to do that .
6 The need for arousal thought well should I be absolutely calm when I 'm giving a presentation but I never am so is it right and now understanding that you need a certain level of arousal to be able to perform at all is is satisfying for me because at least I understand the situation now and able to work with it rather than against it .
7 It needs to be studied with some form of magnification to be able to appreciate its full beauty .
8 It takes a lot of skill to be able to learn in this way , although it is the way often taught at school — the old talk-and-chalk method of ‘ You listen while the teacher talks ’ .
9 Partly , Davie believes , because the British are now too ignorant of prosody to be able to hear Bunting 's precise , subtle music ; partly because , as an associate of Pound and Zukovsky , he is ‘ an embarrassment to the numerous English historians who would have it that modernism in poetry was a temporary , American-inspired distraction from a native tradition … ’
10 It takes a very special sort of relationship to be able to withstand constant absences . ’
11 I suppose it takes a pretty special sort of screw to be able to work in those conditions , to choose to work down there , but they were totally inhuman .
12 It takes a good deal of suppleness to be able to get both your elbows onto the ground — you might only get your hands flat on the floor to begin with .
13 While we 're down this area and we 've got the cranes sited in here to do these tanks this way and the pipes coming in this way and the tanks construction going on , we need to release this sort of area to be able to get everything so there 's more work to do .
14 Well the proposals in the Good Report as I said for final salary schemes is that a third of the trustees should be elected from he actually says from the active members er we know and comments that in great length a about the difficulties that it would be to er actually er elect er er members who are pensioners or from the deferreds Er I find that er somewhat simplistic view point in that er er the pensioners at least get communications from the administrators of the scheme every month , they get a monthly cheque , so it sh should n't be beyond the wit of man to be able to er be able to contact the pensioners and organise pensioner meetings but pensioner trustees to be elected .
15 It is part of the art of mothering to be able to let go , when the time comes ; we have all met sturdy adults who are ‘ tied to mother 's apron strings ’ , often in many subtle , insidious little ways .
16 In any case , even for those with the extent and shape of garden to be able to consider size , shape of beds , borders and orientation , aspect is not of crucial major importance , because with very few exceptions , roses are hardy and do not need mollycoddling .
17 ‘ I think I 'm demanding and chauvinistic , but I 've finally got someone with a good enough sense of humour to be able to cope with that very well , ’ he said .
18 Would nt it be better for clubs in this sort of situation to be able to loan young players on an extended basis .
19 Apart from that , a consultant should have the ability not just to be an egotist but to integrate with a team of people ; they should also have the strength of purpose to be able to get results and to keep going through adversity .
20 Further attempts are to be made to improve the sound system , but perhaps Members will discover that if they want to hear better , and if they want listeners to radio and viewer of TV to be able to hear properly , they will have to stop shouting so much .
21 Organizations are arenas within which some things will tend to hang together and be adopted by power-players as a bundle , while other forms of combination may be far less likely to occur as a coherent package , perhaps because they are less coherent or because the alliance which could make them so lacks a position in the field of power to be able to constitute the necessity of its choices .
22 and then they can expect them at the end of like x amount of time to be able to take over a department , then when it falls apart they 're gon na be the one to take it .
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