Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [conj] about [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In 1982 , for example , among the chairmen of INI firms were 16 ex-ministers , 10 members of parliament and about 20 senior civil servants linked with the governing party UCD and with the Francoist regime ( El Socialista , 15–21 September 1982 ) .
2 Nearly threequarters of firewood and about half of the dung in urban India is purchased .
3 He 's o What was he on he was drinking , what a bottle and a half of vodka and about fifteen pints of cider a day .
4 Whisper it not at the British Heart Foundation , but we knew that , as well as the salt , into that dinner had gone a dozen eggs , a couple of pints of cream , half a pound of butter , a quarter-pound of sugar and about half a pint of Calvados .
5 Specifically , the history of English since about 1550 is often presented as what Lass ( 1976 : xi ) has called a ‘ single-minded march ’ towards RP and modern standard English , with divergent developments either excluded or admitted only in so far as they throw light on ‘ standard ’ English .
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