Example sentences of "of [pron] [prep] [det] days " in BNC.

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1 I , I , I 'd would teach them to stand up and tell them the truth , there do n't appear to be too many of them about these days
2 Dana Gillespie : ‘ This was about the time The Beatles were just starting and they were considered to have long hair , but if you look at the pictures of them in those days , they had almost crew-cuts compared to David 's which was honestly long , bright yellow , bleached blonde from a bottle .
3 The quality of the staff was impressive , and many of them in those days were among the most adventurous of professionals in introducing new teaching methods and new curricula .
4 ‘ And Gabby turned out to be particularly good , which saved him from having to do the usual terrible , crap jobs that the Hawaiians had to do , and he ended up playing for a living in just about every joint in Hawaii — and there were lots of them in those days , because live music was a big thing .
5 There were , there was , there was n't any runway it was just a grass airfield as there was a lot of them in those days erm this , this is why they , they could n't get any aircraft of any size in there you see , this is why some of them used to overshoot if they got twin engines before the war erm
6 ‘ I 'm sorry miss , but the station has been trying to get hold of you for several days , ’ he interrupted .
7 Crouched over the table at home endeavouring to scarf up all those little facts they required of you in those days ( what is Bauxite ? when should you employ j'eusse , tu eusses , il eusse ? what are the consequences of heating copper in a stream of chlorine gas ? ) and praying that the fuckers would leave the lights on until you 'd done just this bit ?
8 I mean , everybody took loads of everything in those days but if you have an incredible tour schedule and you can find a way of having extra energy , which you can get with cocaine , you overdo it if you have n't ever had it before in such huge quantities , and you 're that big , and girls come to the dressing room afterwards , and everybody gives you free packets , and suddenly you 're everybody 's pal .
9 We saw a lot of him in those days .
10 I remember Evelyn Waugh coming in , a great chum of mine in those days .
11 There is lot of it about these days and not just in the police service .
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