Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] since [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 This debate has wider implications for the study of political science since it emphasised major features of the process of governmental decision-making — the plurality of values of participants in policy-making , the plurality of actors involved , the emphasis upon perceptions rather than ‘ objective interests ’ and the fact that policy outcomes seldom reflect the values and preferences of one group .
2 He has been a member of that Committee since it was re-established in 1991 .
3 Such patients are not in legal custody by virtue of that section since they are not ‘ required or authorised by or by virtue of this Act to be conveyed to any place or to be kept in custody or detained in a place of safety or at any place to which he is taken under section 42(6) … . ‘
4 The adjustment provides a conservative basis for the calculation of direct employment since it is less than the 7.5% ‘ gap ’ noted above and makes no allowance for the 2% employed in Scotch Whisky companies who are not members of the SWA .
5 In the context of this chapter , however , it is particularly important to deal with the corporatist perspective on the politics of organised interests since it provides some kind of challenge to the pluralist perspective ( even though pluralism and corporatism share a number of basic assumptions ) , and it fleshes out elements of the left critique of pluralism ( even though much corporatist theory is hostile to a Marxist theory of the capitalist state ) .
6 Well , I thought nothing of it , because she 's always palled up with a lot of English chaps since she was up at St Andrews and there was the odd Michael among them .
7 The attempt to answer this question leads us into a hitherto little-explored region of English grammar since it poses the problem of the relation between the infinitive and the category of person , and takes us back to a use not yet analysed satisfactorily , the so-called " infinitive of reaction " .
8 Stephen Duck 's success under the queen 's patronage is an event of some importance since it established the precedent of a labouring poet entering the mainstream of contemporary literature .
9 Also , in parallel with the United States , the influence of public policy seems to have been an additional factor of some importance since it has been observed that the policy of the occupying powers after 1947 probably strengthened the tendency to form enterprise-based unions rather than alternative structures for bargaining purposes ( Levine , 1981 ) .
10 To begin with , the term notion is itself a cause of some confusion since it has been interpreted in different ways in relation to its companion function .
11 The uninscribed tombstone from Murrell Hill is of some interest since it shows in relief a mother dressed in a tunic and seated in an upright chair , while holding an opened fan in her right hand .
12 I have kept the books of this branch since I retired from banking , five years ago . ’
13 It is important that you do read these pages and indeed all the relevant parts of this brochure since they form the basis of your agreement with us and so that you are fully informed of your rights and obligations and can relax knowing that your holiday is covered by our Holiday Guarantee .
14 Strictly , this is outside the remit of this book since it is a seasonal or annual rhythm , but we include it since it is believed to involve a disorder of daily rhythms .
15 Some doubt has been expressed about the method of spread of this disease since it is by no means always found in the sexual partners of infected individuals .
16 However , it is doubtful whether state pensions policies were the prime cause of this decline since it continued at much the same rate after 1948 as it had done before .
17 The male red-wings do quite well out of this arrangement since they father most of their female 's offspring — most , not all , since the male can not keep his eye on all his females simultaneously and some will happily mate with males in the territories next door .
18 The conventions , or unwritten rules , of the constitution were seen as of crucial significance since they secured " in a roundabout way what is called abroad the " sovereignty of the people " " thus making for a governmental system in which " the will of the electors shall by regular and constitutional means always in the end assert itself as the predominant influence in the country " .
19 Parry says that he has become more pessimistic since about the impact of global warming since he prepared a series of case studies for the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis ( IIASA ) which were published in 1990 .
20 As a symbolic act it was of much importance since it offered the prospect of a framework for a wider Anglo-Irish settlement and provided a hope of genuine political involvement for the Catholic minority in Northern Ireland , not in a failed local assembly but through their co-religionists in the south .
21 The college has fallen into a state of such disrepair since it was closed down that I doubt if anyone could truthfully class it as that . ’
22 This restricts the applicability of such rules since it renders them unavailable to any linguist interested in diachronic change or synchronic variation in a language .
23 Indeed , the very property of being conscious might undo the force of these arrangements since it is the characteristic of conscious thought to change , work-over and constantly review its operations against the datum of the senses and the inner needs of the organism .
24 This does not necessarily imply acceptance of these images since they may be seen as unacceptable in their own right .
25 I may be proved wrong , but I think they will be surprised at the change in the pace and intensity of international rugby since they 've been away .
26 The monetarist position is that control of the money supply is essential for the successful conduct of macroeconomic policy since they see a direct link between the money supply and prices .
27 You could have had a gap of many years since you worked .
28 This surprising observation has implications for the application of d 3C A to the study of DNA-protein interactions since it is possible that DNA duplexes containing this analogue may still bind proteins in the minor groove and therefore , the results from such studies need to be interpreted with care .
29 Although the difference was not quite significant ( p=0.06 ) , this observation is certainly of biological interest since it seems that the risk of ECL cell carcinoidosis exists essentially in those with MEN 1 associated Zollinger-Ellison sydrome .
30 Strongyles , or ‘ blood ’ or ‘ red worms ’ , damage blood vessels , and are a common cause of fatal colics since they affect the blood supply to the intestines .
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