Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [coord] gave " in BNC.

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1 The development of textile manufacturing in the fifteenth century was not only one of the most fundamental economic changes of the period , but it also took men away from farming , created a market for the sale of agricultural products and gave an incentive to the producer to grow crops and raise stock beyond the levels required for his own consumption .
2 We must not leave the eighteenth century without mention of the great typefounder and printer of Birmingham , John Baskerville ( 1706–75 ) , who not only designed the famous type that bears his name but greatly improved the general standard of English printing and gave us , in 1763 , one of the most splendid editions of the Bible .
3 The city , he continues , was a ‘ sign of capital ’ ; it ‘ took up and eviscerated the varieties of social practice and gave them back with ventriloqual precision ’ .
4 What was it about Japan 's history that limited the pursuit of individual self-interest and gave precedence to the collective community ?
5 Then they brought in a couple of supporting interrogators and gave me the third degree .
6 The apples were the fruits of perpetual youth and gave the gods immortality .
7 I was also careful to explain BW 's policy as regards cycling on the towpath , and I emphasised that the work was for the benefit of all users and gave Spokes members no rights whatsoever .
8 I was also careful to explain BW 's policy as regards cycling on the towpath , and emphasised that the work was for the benefit of all users and gave Spokes members no rights whatsoever .
9 A sharp contrast between this record and the immobility and instability of the Fourth Republic undoubtedly existed in the minds of many citizens and gave the regime a broad base of support .
10 She shared her husband 's estimation of the value of good books and gave hundreds away .
11 The headstone of the grave , in a grey cemetery on the outskirts of Warsaw , was of plain granite and gave simply the dates of birth and death .
12 He conceived the idea of artificial daylight and gave it practical reality by filtering the light of an Argand oil lamp through blue glass .
13 The Greek purchased a bag of sweets , well , not so much a bag as a twist of newspaper , distributed some of the sweets among his retinue of small boys and gave the rest to his guide .
14 The ‘ state of war ’ declaration clouded what might otherwise have been a clear-cut case of American aggression and gave the White House the makings of a case under international law .
15 His attendants , the mythological fauns , were the patrons of wild animals and gave their name to the animal kingdoms in different countries — the fauna .
16 Since Spittals sat behind his desk with a smile of ineffable self-satisfaction and gave no indication of offering an explanation , the policewoman asked for one .
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