Example sentences of "of [noun] control [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The symbolic roles of political leaders preoccupied Pareto and Mosca , who characterized them in a persistently cynical way as outright manipulation or fraud , simple tricks essential to the maintenance of elite control over the mass .
2 As for Formula One racing , the day is fast approaching when the driver 's presence will become mere tokenism in the face of computer control from the pits .
3 This , arguably , provides a diffuse but important form of decision control over the managers .
4 Gloucester does not feature at all , something which has been read as a sign of Woodville control of the council .
5 Gloucester does not feature at all , something which has been read as a sign of Woodville control of the council .
6 Ordering replenishment and display may be looked after by the publisher and this can lift a lot of the administrative burden of stock control from the shop , although they are normally offered only where sales justify it .
7 This chapter has provided a brief introduction to the principal components that are necessary in order to establish a system of management control in the public sector .
8 Scott argues further that insufficient attention has been paid to the potential for collaborative action on the part of shareholders , which he regards as indicating the possibility of a form of ownership control despite the absence of minority holdings large enough in themselves to amount to a control position .
9 The view of pollution control as a practical art acquired by experience defines the particular qualities demanded of a ‘ good ’ field officer .
10 He said : ‘ If you look at the lack of immigration control in the past , then yes , in the Fifties , Sixties and Seventies Britain had become the dustbin of the world . ’
11 Paul McStay , Gary McAllister , Stuart McCall and Brian McClair hit a dazzling peak of midfield control in the 3–0 European Championship win over the CIS .
12 Alex Salmond , leader of the Scottish National Party , said the shocking statistics were an indictment of Westminster control of the Scottish economy .
13 The limited dispersal of authority that accompanied the decline of Bakufu control in the closing years of Tokugawa rule was ruthlessly reversed by the centralizing policies of the Meiji regime after 1868 .
14 Observers related this development to the loss of CPSU control over the city soviet .
15 Although the rapid decline of the church courts into virtual desuetude over the eighteenth century removed the only institutional form of church control over the moral behaviour of the lower orders , they could hardly be unaware of the continuing power of the parson operating both through the vestry and through areas of personal control such as that over charity and at the vital moments of baptism , marriage and burial .
16 and that voters should create pressure groups committed to this purpose and the acceptance of policies of arms control with the Soviet Union .
17 Indeed , withdrawal was undoubtedly the main method by which the decline in working class fertility was achieved , and it continued to be as common a method of birth control as the sheath in post-World War II Britain .
18 Radical pioneers of birth control in the 1820s like Richard Carlile believed that a diminished workforce , by reducing competition , would benefit wages , but such arguments often received short shrift .
19 Therefore in the USA the methods of collective bargaining associated with the heyday of competitive capitalism were outmoded and eventually destroyed along with the breaking by employers of union control of the labour process .
20 Most countries exert some degree of State control over the content and form of advertising .
21 Once it was realized that financial self-sufficiency was no longer possible , the focus moved to forms of state control of the railway and the need for state resources to fund its deficit .
22 Only in the United States and in Britain was there no element of state control by the First World War .
23 The second was the decision of the American Supreme Court that they should divest themselves of monopoly control of the cinema chains which , as Heston said , was in hindsight a death blow which merely served to hasten the financial decline of each and every studio .
24 That made it 10 for Robins this season , and all in front of his policeman dad , Chief Inspector Gordon , who was in charge of crowd control at the ground .
25 These findings provide some empirical confirmation of Lawler 's ( 1986 : 180–1 ) speculative comments about the potential results from new design plants , combining high levels of worker control with a ‘ high-involvement management ’ style .
26 The graphic EQ offers another range of tone control over the Carvin and , being switchable , could be seen as adding an extra channel .
27 The development of a system of merger control in the EC suffered from the lack of any specific provision for such powers in the Treaty of Rome ; the European Court attempted to make good this shortcoming through case law .
28 Studies on the effect of gun control in the United States have shown that states with stricter laws have lower suicide rates than states where a higher proportion of people own guns .
29 Nonetheless , the Narkomnats journal , Zhizn' Natsional' nostei ( Life of the Nationalities ) demonstrated the relative liberalism of Party control on the issue .
30 They also claim that these discontinuities were aggravated by the more frequent turnover of party control in the government in the 1970s and the influence exercised in both parties by its more partisan groups .
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