Example sentences of "the visit to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The two sides had reached " an identical view " on the visit to China of " Vietnamese leaders within this year " .
2 The important reason for the visit to Hanoi by a team under General John Vessey was to find out whether Vietnam will accept a number of conditions attached to normalisation of relations .
3 Other intergovernmental contacts during the year included the visit to Spain of the then Polish Prime Minister , Tadeusz Mazowiecki , in September 1990 ; informal contacts between González and King Hassan of Morocco in Rabat on Aug. 19 ; the signing in Rabat on Nov. 15 by the Spanish and Moroccan Interior Ministers , Corcuero and Driss Basri respectively , of an agreement on flexible visa arrangements for Moroccan citizens wishing to visit Ceuta and Melilla ; an official visit to China on Nov. 22-24 by Fernandez Ordoñez , returned by his Chinese counterpart , Qian Qichen , on Feb. 25-27 , 1991 , in which talks centred on bilateral trade and on the development of a new line of Spanish credit worth $450,000,000 for new mixed enterprises in China ; and the visit of King Juan Carlos and Queen Sophia to Venezuela and Costa Rica on April 14-21 .
4 ‘ Ravvolse il volo ’ can be dated between 1630 and 1636 by a textual reference , and the famous ‘ Ferito un cavaliero ’ , a lament for Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden , is almost certainly a late work composed in 1655 in anticipation of the visit to Rome of Gustavus 's daughter , Christina , a recent Catholic convert ; one can not imagine a Roman composer celebrating the Protestant hero at any earlier date .
5 I therefore managed to get myself accredited as a journalist to cover the visit to Rome by Neville Chamberlain and Lord Halifax in early January 1939 for talks with Mussolini .
6 More detailed discussions were planned for the visit to Russia of US Secretary of State James Baker two weeks later .
7 The visit to Nyanga near Cape Town may have been tokenism , but at least it was a step in the right direction .
8 With the Soviet Union accounting for 33 per cent of Romania 's foreign trade , the visit to Moscow in May 1990 of Alexandru Margaritescu , then Minister of Foreign Trade , was seen to be of special significance .
9 One refers to his fourteenth year , a little later than the visit to Catherine at Jefferies farm , when he had changed greatly .
10 After tonight , the next stage of Rangers ' journey is the visit to Marseille on 7 April , which dispenses with any margin for error against a Brugge side Smith expects to be fortified by the return of the Hungarian sweeper , Laszlo Disztl , and Stephane van der Heyden , the young midfield player who has recently broken into Belgium 's national side .
11 The visit to Nepal of Chandra Shekhar on Feb. 13-15 was the first by an Indian Prime Minister since 1977 .
12 ( First Edition ) CLIVE ALLEN , the Manchester City striker , may be back in contention for the visit to Arsenal on 14 October .
13 … it could have no real importance after the visit to Osborne in the course of which Napoleon III having tightened the alliance with England had nothing much to say to the Emperor of Russia , his enemy of the day before yesterday , his friend of yesterday — but not his ally of today , which he might have become had it not been for the recent drawing together of the Courts of the Tuileries and St James .
14 Washington was startled by the 2am White House announcement of the visit to Beijing by the National Security Adviser , Admiral Brent Scowcroft , and the Deputy Secretary of State , Mr Lawrence Eagleburger .
15 Observers said that the demonstration had been planned to coincide with the visit to Dili of a Portuguese parliamentary delegation ( subsequently cancelled by Indonesia — see p. 38535 ) , and of the UN special rapporteur on torture , Peter Kooymans , to raise international awareness of the East Timor independence movement .
16 When the WICBC met to discuss the captaincy for the visit to Australia in 1960–1 , it was Alexander himself who pressed Worrell 's claims , and in due course the announcement was made that Worrell would lead the team .
17 An expansion of cultural contacts between Soviet Moldavia and Romania was the object of the visit to Moldavia on May 25-27 of Razvan Teodorescu , director of Free Romanian Radio and Television .
18 He had proposed the visit to Burford on 17 May 1968 but had dropped out of the ill-fated return journey .
19 No less ominous was the visit to Prague by Walter Runciman , one of Chamberlain 's appeasing colleagues , who , to the consternation of many , reported in favour of acquiescing in Hitler 's ruthless demands on the Czechoslovak government .
20 The visit to Laos by Taro Nakayama , the Japanese Foreign Minister , on Aug. 2-3 was the first by a senior Japanese minister since the formation of the Lao People 's Democratic Republic in 1975 .
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