Example sentences of "the front of my [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I laid the sturdy Ministry of Defence plastic mug on the sand and then hopped round to the front of my tent to bring out my dirty washing .
2 I cut down young trees and put them in the ground , in a half-circle around the front of my tent .
3 The Ralembergs were dead and , judging from the dark blood stains on the front of my doublet , I was cast as the murderer .
4 I crawled over the grass and sat with my back against the farmhouse and stared at the blood pouring down the front of my battledress .
5 In the early stages the rigidity of the boots did put pressure on the front of my ankles , making them uncomfortable to wear .
6 I seemed to live two inches behind the front of my skin , that part of me created wilfully by my lovers .
7 The front of my smock hung heavy
8 I open the — saddlebag , take out the polythene carrier bag and tuck it , cool and heavy down the front of my shirt .
9 ‘ It 's written at the front of my note-book and it says ‘ Private ’ in case you had n't noticed . ’
10 He looked suddenly suspicious that I was making fun of him , which I was n't , and grabbed me to look down the front of my dress .
11 Straightaway I went off and had a bright red flash put in across the front of my hair .
12 I knew that the throat mike would take the strain , I intended to wear it in the front of my hair , as originated by the cast of Les Miserables , not as Joyce wore hers — at the throat — as TV presenters wear them , on the lapel — which in any case was something I did not have .
13 I went straight to the hood of the Shogun , digging the Olympus out of the front of my overalls and trying to guess if there was enough light in the barn .
14 The next day she 's in my house in the front of my Mum and everyone , she goes , did you phone Billy up ?
15 At the front of my grandmother 's house one of my older cousins ran a shop .
16 I retched down the front of my T-shirt and Scamp stepped back , but it did n't stop his flow .
17 She 's silent for a while , then says , ‘ The other day ’ — she 's soaping the front of my legs now , from behind — ‘ when you had to sit through Eldorado in that really uncomfortable position ; you enjoyed that , did n't you ? ’
18 Given the new ball , I used to turn the front of my trousers over and polish it there .
19 He splashed some down the front of my tunic and was gone .
20 I 'll scribble Robina Marquis off the front of my dream-books and put Suzanne Brown next to the Strictly Private .
21 The dried blood from my nose was smeared all over the front of my mouth and it cracked when I tried to move my lips .
22 The front of my neck ? ’
23 We seem to have gone down rather well at the venues we performed in , and have already received requests to do a repeat performance for Children in Need next year — perhaps I could get LASMO emblazoned on the front of my costume then ! ’
24 Without bringing it to the front of my mind , I sensed that Otto felt himself in competition with me , whilst at the same time seeming imperturbable .
25 I tried to keep his words in the front of my mind , particularly during the bad times when we were clearing everything out and the dust and debris of a hundred years was falling into our eyes .
26 The front of my car was completely gone , it was a wreck , ’ says Otis .
27 Oh I see , I did the front of my car that 's why I was a bit late , I usually I 'm a bit earlier than this .
28 It was when I was about twelve I broke the front of my tooth so I I had a temporary cap put on , and it only lasted six months and came off !
29 on the front of my Missal , I tiptoed
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