Example sentences of "the odd thing was that " in BNC.

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1 The odd thing was that he considered life to be at its quietest in the midst of the most thunderous , ear-splitting waves .
2 The odd thing was that Carol felt quite safe on it .
3 The odd thing was that , after he had entered the paint shop , he had felt as if a heavy wave of sadness had suddenly been lifted from out of him .
4 But the odd thing was that it did n't fill me with the slightest sense of humility or feelings about the separateness and ‘ otherness ’ of nature , but with sheer , shouting joy at sharing that old world on a new morning with my wild Scots kinfolk .
5 She saw then that saying this had been unpardonable , but the odd thing was that he did pardon her , and laughed , and quietly fished some of the soggy pills out of the sink in case he fancied one later after all .
6 Rain said nothing , reflecting that the odd thing was that it had taken Sabine Jourdain so long to outgrow her need of that relationship .
7 The odd thing was that once on reciprocal we should have passed near the Koln area , with its attendant flak and searchlights , but not a sign .
8 And the navigator replied in his normal Brummie voice : " Oh no , he is in the aircraft over there , " and the odd thing was that the flak left us and clobbered an aircraft near us , It was the dead-ringer of God 's voice that unnerved me , I put a stop to this impersonation of the Lord and , sadly .
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