Example sentences of "the only [noun] [to-vb] [is] " in BNC.

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1 The only way to move is by proving beyond all reasonable doubt that your home address has moved over a certain distance , and that the club you wish to join is considerably closer to your new address .
2 When parents and children have been passionately attached to each other it may be that the only way to leave is to have a blow-up .
3 The only way to decide is to assess the situation in each case in terms of the cat 's quality of life .
4 Yet a casino is exactly what many bosses , politicians and pundits believe to have been the home of Anglo-American corporate finance in the past five years or more : a den of greed and chance in which the only way to win is to fix the roulette wheel .
5 But when you are really up against it there are times when the only way to win is by a little crafty reinterpretation of the rules .
6 The only way to tell is to ask your dealer , so please ensure that you are dealing with one that you can trust , especially if you have to specifically order them .
7 The only way to check is actually to point a camera at the people chosen before the main session .
8 THE ONLY way to haggle is to dazzle your quarry with a winning smile , says a guide to effective negotiation out today .
9 Now that 's much easier to do it on paper than if I say well the only way to find is let's get sixty pennies out , you count sixty I 'll count another sixty then we 'll see how many we 've got .
10 And to test whether this is in fact true of how scientists think , the only way to work is to observe , not oneself as a student doing discovery learning , but scientists themselves .
11 The only way to survive is by cheating .
12 The only way to survive is to shut out your feelings .
13 A community where you learn that the only way to survive is to fight back .
14 Frank said that he did not believe in God ; such a belief can not possibly be proved ; the good life is possible without it ; and the only faculty to judge is the reason , which tells us to say , we do not know .
15 The only point to consider is the edge needles .
16 13.3.2 by or to the Tenant may be given or made by or to the Tenant 's solicitors on behalf of the Tenant The only point to make is to ensure that any notices to be served on the tenant will be certain to be received , which they may not be if served at the premises .
17 5.21 Sale of reversion etc To permit [ upon reasonable notice ] at any time during the Term prospective purchasers of or agents instructed in connection with the sale of the Landlord 's reversion or of any other interest superior to the Term to view the Premises without interruption provided they are authorised in writing by the Landlord or its agents This is a normal provision and the only comment to make is that it could be disruptive to a tenant 's business , although one would hope that the frequency of a sale of the reversion would be limited .
18 It 's still the general feeling by several of Scotland 's well known bands that the only place to record is London and if they record in Scotland it 's a bit parochial . ’
19 If you 're small and the thing you evade is big ( have you ever had this dream ? ) , then the only place to hide is a place where the big thing ca n't fit .
20 The only equation to satisfy is
21 If you are faced with this , the only thing to do is to refuse to be drawn into any fruitless arguments , but stand firm in your resolve to leave when you feel you must , assuring her of your affection and concern for her and your intention to visit her again as soon as you can .
22 Barbedette concluded that the only thing to do is to ‘ maintain an intrepid virtue . ’
23 The only thing to do is return them to the Romanians . ’
24 Perhaps the only thing to do is to make her dance as Elizabeth von Rosen so memorably did for the Royal Danish Ballet decades ago .
25 It 's er I mean it 's the only thing to do is n't it ?
26 I like the secretiveness of a boat in the blackness , when the only thing to dislike is the prospect of dawn , which seems like a betrayal because , at night , in a boat under sail , it is easy to feel very close to God — for eternity is all around .
27 No the only thing to regret is what we do not do , which is what happen !
28 The only thing to watch is the likelihood of oddities at large transitions — all 0s to all 1s , for example .
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